Tips to Building Your First-Aid Kit

Building your first-aid kit needs to be well thought out because you will never know when emergencies or accidents occur. You can buy pre-packaged first-aid kits for sure, but if you want to make your own, it might be a good idea to go natural. What’s amazing about using natural remedies as part of your first-aid kit is that you don’t have to worry about any side effects. Sounds interesting? Here are some tips to consider.

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  • Aloe vera. One of the best herbal remedies that you can include in your first-aid kit is aloe vera. This plant is actually easy to cultivate and can be placed indoors too especially around the kitchen. Aloe vera is good for treating cuts, burns, wounds, acne, and even for promoting hair growth. If you had just surgery and would like to use aloe vera to speed up the healing of your wounds, make sure to discuss it with your doctor first.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is another remedy that should have a place in your first-aid kit. For one thing, this can be used to treat ear infections, clean wounds, and even speed up the healing of respiratory illnesses that afflict you. If you are going to use hydrogen peroxide on your ear to treat an infection, drop a full dropper of the hydrogen peroxide in your ear and wait 15 minutes or until the bubbles disappear. Repeat the same thing in the opposite ear.
  • Calendula. Calendula is an ancient home remedy when it comes to treating burns and wounds so it is not really surprising that it is still being used today. Scientists have also discovered that calendula has other uses especially in ointment form such as treating diaper rashes, leg ulcers, and even inhibit radiation dermatitis or skin inflammation. If no ointment is available, you can make a poultice, compress, salve, or even oil to use as a home remedy.
  • Coconut oil. Another must-have home remedy in your first-aid kit is coconut oil. What’s impressive about this ingredient is that it can be used in various ways from healing diaper rash to treating fungal growth, all the way to removing makeup. And because it is usually in solid form, you can pack it way until it is needed.
  • Oats. Skin irritations can cause discomfort especially when it comes with swelling, redness, and itching. There are ointmnets to soothe the itching and redness for sure, but why bother when you can turn to oats to heal your skin? Choose colloidal oats when treating skin problems that you may have like eczema, sunburn, wounds, and burns. Add 2 cups to your bathwater and soak in it for a few minutes.

These are just a few natural remedies that you can also add to your first-aid kit if you are building one from scratch. There are more out there for you to choose from but these ones come in handy especially around the kitchen.

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