Home Remedies for Rough Palms

Shaking hands, holding hands, giving high fives — you avoid all of these things because your palms are rougher than the unshaven chin of a hairy gentleman.

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Most of us tend to focus on fending off wrinkles to keep our face smooth, but not too many of us give the palms of our hands much-needed attention.

The palms are prone to ending up rough because we use them all the time. They also come into contact with products containing harsh chemicals that can leave them dry and irritated.

You can purchase super expensive hand lotions and creams to deal with those rough palms of yours. Or you can simply use things that can be already found in your home.

Without any more ado, below are some of the best home remedies for rough palms. Although super easy on the pocket, they can definitely impress!

Brown Sugar and Olive Oil

Combining equal amounts of brown sugar and olive oil enables you to come up with the cheapest exfoliating agent for those palms of yours that are as rough as sandpaper.

All you have to do is put your homemade brown sugar scrub on the palm of your hand, and then rub your palms together. Rinse off under running water afterwards. Do this twice or thrice a week for best results.

Salt and Lemon Juice

If your palms are really, really rough, you can make a tougher exfoliating agent by mixing salt with a little lemon juice. Salt will scour off excess dead skin cells, and lemon juice will soften and repair skin.

Since salt and lemon juice mixture is a lot coarser than brown sugar and olive oil, be very gentle when rubbing your palms together. The goal is to make the palms of your hands smooth, not filled with scratches.

Oats and ACV

On the other hand, you can make the gentlest exfoliating agent by mixing oatmeal and a little apple cider vinegar. It’s the perfect maintenance for your palms after obtaining results from either of first two tips.

Uncooked oatmeal is the one that you should use ­— it doesn’t matter if it’s instant or quick cook. And if you don’t have apple cider vinegar within your easy reach, white vinegar will do.

Lemon and Tomato Juice

Both lemon juice and tomato juice are mildly acidic, and that’s why using them together allows you to have the perfect solution for rough palms.

Combine equal parts of lemon juice and tomato juice, and then start massaging the mixture on your palms. Rinse off after 15 to 20 minutes. This solution is also great for lightening dark areas of your palms.

Plain Yogurt

Do you love plain yogurt because it’s super good for your gut? Well, you will love this healthy treat even more upon knowing that it can actually get rid of your rough palms.

Every other day, simply smear plain yogurt on your palms. Allow 15 to 20 minutes to pass before washing it off very well with water. It won’t take long before you start noticing incredible results.

Other than trying the above remedies, make sure that you also bear in mind the following:

Save the palms of your hands from coming into contact with household products with harsh chemicals by putting on a pair of rubber gloves each time. 

Use your favorite hand lotion after washing your hands to keep your palms from ending up dry. A lot of people swear that coconut oil works so much better than most hand lotions. 

Speaking of which, refrain from using hot air dryers after washing your hands. What you need to do instead is pat dry your hands with toilet or kitchen paper. Don’t forget the tip before this one!

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