The Big Health Benefits of Blumea Balsamifera

Sambong, dalapot, kambibon, blumea camphor, ngai camphor — these are some of the common names of a medicinal plant that has a scientific name of blumea balsamifera. This herb grows in the tropics such as the Philippines, Thailand and India, and has been used by traditional healers in those areas and many other places on the planet in naturally and effectively dealing with a wide variety of health problems for so many years now.

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The plant grows anywhere between 1.5 to 3 meters in height, and it’s hard to miss it because of the aromatic leaves. Due to its numerous properties that are scientifically proven to help promote healing and optimal health, it is revered and employed for a variety of purposes. For instance, it is astringent properties make it effective in disinfecting wounds. Blumea balsamifera also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and that’s why it is being used for dealing with anything from headaches to arthritis. The herb is very popular for its diuretic properties, thus it is used for managing blood pressure and fluid retention, as well as for the elimination of kidney stones.

It cannot be denied that blumea balsamifera is a very potent and versatile herb. Let us take a peek at some of the medicinal uses of this well-known plant:

Blumea Balsamifera as a Diuretic

The consumption of blumea balsamifera tea is recommended by traditional healers for individuals who are suffering from high blood pressure. That’s because the said herb is a highly effective diuretic, which means that it promotes the removal of excess fluid in the body by increasing urine production.

It’s because of the diuretic properties of blumea balsamifera why it is given in tea form to those who are suffering from fluid retention. Similarly, it is being used as a remedy for kidney stones. By promoting the increased production of urine, the breaking up and elimination of kidney stones may be promoted.

Traditional healers also recommend the intake of blumea balsamifera tea for those who are suffering from kidney disease. In fact, some scientific investigations have shown that the powerful herb may actually help delay or even prevent the need for dialysis or kidney transplant.

Blumea Balsamifera as Pain and Inflammation Reliever

For so many years now, this medicinal plant is being employed for its ability to deal with pain and inflammation naturally. Traditionally, tea out of the said herb is recommended for the management of headaches. The same tea may be used for gargling in order to deaden the nerves in the mouth prior to undergoing some dental procedures.

Due to its superb painkilling and anti-inflammatory action, blumea balsamifera is known to help in relieving painful and swollen joints. Poultice out of its leaves may be placed on joints that are affected with arthritis. Of course this herb works best when the problem area is allowed to rest.

Aside from the application of poultice of blumea balsamifera leaves on joints that are painful and inflamed, the simple intake of tea out of the herb is known to provide relief too.

Blumea Balsamifera as a Disinfectant

Thanks to the amazing antimicrobial properties of blumea balsamifera, it is employed to disinfect minor wounds and burns to keep them from being infected. An effective disinfectant may be made by boiling the leaves of the herb in water. Once already lukewarm, it may then be used for cleansing wounds and other skin injuries.

What’s more, the herb also possesses superb antifungal properties. It’s for this particular reason why its decoction or even poultice may be used in treating a host of skin diseases caused by fungi, such as ringworm and athlete’s foot.

The list of the amazing medicinal properties of blumea balsamifera can go on and on. It’s also being used by traditional healers for treating digestive problems such as diarrhea, gas, cramps and even worms. The herb is also being employed as a liver tonic, fever reducer, and reliever of respiratory tract problems like asthma, bronchitis and cough.

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