6 Minute Exercises Before Shower

We all want to stay fit. Who doesn’t? But with our busy schedules, not just at work but at home as well, it’s hard to find the right time to workout. Exercising doesn’t have to be spending an hour or two in the gym because you can do some intense exercises in just six minutes and still get some health benefits from it. Fitness experts know that a lot of people are having difficulty squeezing in their fitness routine so why not try these HIIT exercises a few minutes before you take a shower?

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  • Squats. There is no denying that squats is one of the best bodyweight exercises that you can do that will help burn some serious calories. Start by standing straight and with feet about hip width apart with your arms at your sides. Engage your core muscles then push your hips back as you bend your knees to lower your butt to the ground until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your knees shouldn’t go beyond your toes when you lower yourself into a squat. Do 15 reps.
  • Planks. Here’s another exercise that you can include in your six minute workout. Lie down on the floor on your belly with your torso propped up with your forearms. Raise your hips off the floor until your back is straight from shoulders to heels. Hold this pose for 30 seconds without rounding your back.
  • Push-ups. Push-ups will not disappear any time soon as it is one of the best exercises that you can do to sculpt your arms and your core. For this exercise, you should go down on all fours on the floor and in a push-up position. Your arms should be straight and hands a bit wider than your shoulders. See to it that your body is in a straight line from your head all the way to your ankles. Bend your elbows while engaging your abdominal muscles to lower your chest towards the ground. Hold this for a few seconds then push yourself back up.
  • Bicycle Crunch. This exercise is guaranteed to tighten your core while working on your upper and lower body. Start this exercise by lying down with your legs in a table top pose. Place your hands behind your head with elbows pointing outwards. Engage your core as you lift your shoulders off the floor. Twist your torso to bring your right elbow towards your left knee while extending your right leg. Twist to the right to bring your left elbow towards your right knee. This completes one rep. Keep alternating your bicycle crunches until you complete 15 reps.

If you want to increase the intensity of your workouts, try doing as many reps as you can within 30 seconds then rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Repeat the entire set afterwards until you complete the six minutes.

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