Obsessive Compulsive OC Personality Remedies

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is a kind of a personality disorder, which is characterized by a pattern of concern with perfectionism, orderliness, too much attention to details, a need for control over one’s environment, and mental and interpersonal control. The following are the causes, signs and symptoms, and remedies for the condition.

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder has no known cause, as per Mayo Clinic. According to the publication, theories about the condition include biology, genetics, and environment. This means a person’s own body chemistry, brain functions, genetic component, and surroundings play vital roles to the development of the condition.

Signs and Symptoms

An obsessive-compulsive personality shows various signs and symptoms. As per Help Guide, the symptoms can be obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. According to the publication, common obsessive thoughts include fear of losing control and harming oneself, fear of dirt, fear of losing or not having things one might need, excessive focus on religious or moral ideas, order and symmetry or the idea that things should line up just right, and excessive attention to something considered as lucky or unlucky.

Meanwhile, compulsive behaviors include excessive double-checking of things like appliances, switches, and locks; repeatedly checking in on loved ones to ensure their safety; counting and repeating words to decrease anxiety; spending a lot of time cleaning or washing; ordering or arranging things just so; praying excessively or engaging in rituals; and accumulating junk like old newspapers and empty food containers.


Various therapies may be utilized to challenge obsessive-compulsive disorder; however, remedies can also be done at home to help manage the condition.

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One remedy for obsessive-compulsive disorder is exercise. According to Dr. Axe’s official website, regular exercise promotes brain function, allowing a healthier stress and fear management technique. Exercise also increases a person’s self-esteem and confidence, enabling him to interact with other people effectively. Also, exercise helps reduce inflammation, improve a person’s sleep pattern, and provide a rewarding goal that one can aim. Furthermore, exercise also promotes relaxation, which reduces muscle tension and aid manage ruminating thoughts or ideas.

Caffeine and Alcohol Reduction

Another way to manage obsessive-compulsive disorder includes decreased caffeine and alcohol intake. According to Search Home Remedy, caffeine worsens the stress-related symptoms of the disorder and alcoholism may also start every time the person begins experiencing the symptoms of the disorder. As per the publication, the person may consume a non-caffeinated beverage to soothe his senses and reduce the condition’s stress-associated symptoms. While alcohol provides an extent of relief from the symptoms of the disorder, it should be consumed in moderation.

Eating Regularly

Eating regularly also helps manage obsessive-compulsive disorder. According to Organic Facts, eating on time prevents hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels, which may lead to stress in the body. When the body is under stress, the obsessive-compulsive symptoms or routine may arise. As per the publication, eating too fast and binge eating are not recommended; instead, one should eat three regular-sized meals a day, chew the food properly, and avoid stress-eating. The aforementioned, as per the publication may lead to worse symptoms of the condition.


A last resort when it comes to obsessive-compulsive disorder is hospitalization. According to Psych Central, hospitalization is a rare necessity for people who have the personality disorder; however, it becomes an option when a severe or extreme stressor or life event takes place and increase the compulsive behavior. It is considered when such behaviors affect the person’s activities of daily living or if it poses risks for harm to the person.

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