How to Make Delicious and Chemical-Free Spreadable Butter at Home

Unsalted, cultured, grass-fed, clarified — these are just some of the many, many kinds of butter that you can come across these days. With so many options, you just don’t know what to get! If you feel that the dairy section of your favorite supermarket is simply giving you sensory overload each time, continue reading. Below you will learn how to make butter that’s delicious, healthy and — more importantly — spreadable!

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Actually, it’s not that difficult to make spreadable butter from scratch. In fact, it’s so simple that you will only need to get your hands on a couple of ingredients, and they are heavy cream and olive oil.

But since the process of making butter is kind of special, you will need a bunch of kitchen tools for the job. For instance you will have to rely on a stand mixer with a whisk attachment to turn heavy cream into butter that you can spread on bread without breaking a sweat! Then you will also need large mixing bowls, a fine strainer, large spoon and cold water. While you will have to get procure a number of tools, the resulting spreadable butter is worth everything!

The recipe you will find below yields a cup of super spreadable butter that is also free of any unnecessary ingredient, so you know it’s the healthiest kind. So without any more ado, here’s the said recipe:


4 cups of heavy cream 

1 cup of olive oil


-Put 4 cups of heavy cream in a large mixing bowl — make sure that the mixing bowl is large enough that it is only filled halfway when you pour heavy cream into it. By the way, it’s a good idea for you to go for heavy cream that’s from raw milk, but then you may also choose the organic kind available at your favorite supermarket. 

-Turn mixer on low in order to prevent heavy cream from splashing all over. After a while, it will thicken a little — that’s a clear sign that you may now switch to medium speed. 

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-Continue mixing heavy cream until it becomes very, very thick. Usually, this will require you to spend around 15 minutes standing next to your mixer. 

-You will notice that heavy cream will first turn into whipped cream, which will take a lot of precious mixing bowl space — it’s for this reason why you were instructed to grab a large mixing bowl earlier. However, it won’t take long before it begins to deflate and return to being creamy, so watch out for some splashes! 

-Continue mixing until clumping is present — it’s a clear sign that you are getting closer and closer to making your very first batch of healthy and spreadable butter. 

-Reach for another large mixing bowl and place a fine strainer over it. Pour the mixture into the other large mixing bowl. The solids that collect in the strainer are going to end up as butter. 

-Take the clumpy butter back into the mixing bowl and pour cold water on it — just enough to cover it. With the back of a large spoon, press butter against the side of the mixing bowl. You will notice that the water will end up cloudy. Pour it off the mixing bowl, add cold water, start pressing butter against the side of the bowl, and then pour water off the mixing bowl. Do this 4 to 5 times or until cold water is already clear. 

-Add 1 cup of olive oil to the butter, and turn mixer to medium. Keep on mixing until you end up with something that looks so creamy and yummy. That’s it — you’re done! 

-Transfer to a clean container and stash in the refrigerator. You may start enjoying it once chilled.

After enjoying your homemade delicious and chemical-free spreadable butter, come back and share your experience with it in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to repost this recipe on your various social media sites to let your health-conscious family and friends know how to whip up healthy and creamy butter with their hands!

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