Amazing Almond Milk Beauty Uses

One of the most popular non-dairy milk around is almond milk. Other than drinking it, are you aware that it’s something that may be used as a beauty product?

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So if you always have a carton of almond milk in your refrigerator because drinking cow’s milk is simply not an option, this article is for you — it’s going to teach you how you can use almond milk in a variety of ways in order for you to attain and maintain the kind of skin and hair that can make everyone’s head turn towards you.

Don’t forget to share this article afterwards to get your almond milk-drinking and beauty-conscious family and friends also introduced to the skin and hair perks of almond milk!

Healthy fats, protein, vitamin E — these are the nutrients primarily present in every serving of almond milk. They are also the ones that make this non-dairy type of milk an excellent remedy for all sorts of cosmetic issues a lot of women are facing. You can think of almond milk as a cheaper alternative to some the most expensive beauty products.

Of course it will help a lot if you also regularly consume almond milk other than just use it topically — doing so allows you to take advantage of almond milk’s beautifying properties from the inside out.

Without further ado, here are some of the most unbelievable beauty uses for almond milk:

For Reducing Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Protein in almond milk is essential for the production of collagen, and we all know that collagen helps keep the skin firm and also free of wrinkles.

Almond milk is also loaded with antioxidants that neutralize free radicals before they are given the chance to damage healthy cells of the skin. If you fail to zap those free radicals on time, the aging of your skin speeds up — premature signs of aging may appear on various areas of the face, especially around your eyes and mouth.

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To take advantage of the anti-aging properties of almond milk, simply apply it on your face using a cotton pad. Or you may fill a small spray bottle with almond milk and drizzle it all over your face. No matter your preference, do not wash off almond milk right away — allow it to stay there for around 20 minutes.

For Soothing Irritated or Inflamed Skin

Thanks to the healthy fats and vitamin E in almond milk, it’s something that you may count on each time you have a minor issue with your skin, such as insect bites, rashes and sunburn. Almond milk is also very good at alleviating acne flare-ups, allowing you to get rid of both redness and inflammation.

With the help of a cotton pad, daub almond milk on affected areas of the skin. Almond milk that’s fresh from the fridge is the best one for the job — the added cooling action provides extra soothing properties.

For Hydrating Skin Cells

Some of the most expensive beauty products out there are those that guarantee deep hydration for the prevention of dryness, which is something that can lead to a host of cosmetic problems.

Well, you can save yourself from potentially ending up broke because of these products simply by using almond milk. All you have to do is apply generous amounts of it on your face after washing it and before towel drying it. After about 5 minutes, splash your face with water and then pat dry.

It’s a great idea to do this hydrating routine using almond milk in the morning and also before going to bed. By the way, you may also use almond milk on other areas of your body that are prone to dryness.

For Dealing With Hair and Scalp Problems

Since almond milk is an excellent hydrator of skin cells, you may count on it if your scalp is flaky and itchy because of excessive dryness. What you need to do is massage almond milk on your scalp a few minutes before you shampoo your hair. Of course it will help a lot if you opt for the mildest shampoo that you can find.

Massaging almond oil on your hair and scalp is a great way to stimulate hair growth. This is also something that allows you to enjoy strong and healthy tresses, courtesy of almond’s milk impressive protein content.

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