8 Foods that Make You Look More Beautiful

Have you ever wondered what does it take to look gorgeous? Well, it all begins with having beautiful skin. Most of us assume that in order to achieve smooth and soft looking skin, we will need to layer various skin care products on it. Although these skin care products do help, you can always start with adding the right kinds of food to your diet to achieve gorgeous skin without any hassles. Sounds good? Here are 8 foods that you should include in your diet.

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The first thing that you need to add to your diet is avocado. Aside from this fruit being one of the best sources of biotin, it can also protect your skin against dryness. Biotin can also help keep your hair and nails healthy so you don’t have to deal with brittleness at all. What’s more, avocados are not just for eating only because you can also apply it on your face and skin too. If you are going to use this as a moisturizing mask, remove the pit first, puree the flesh, then apply evenly on your skin.


There is always a good reason for you to add berries to your diet because these are chockfull of antioxidants, vitamins B6, and C all of which are useful when it comes to boosting collagen production. Collagen is the one responsible for keeping lines and wrinkles away from your skin. The antioxidants can protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals.


Another food that you should add to your diet is tomato as it is rich in lycopene which can actually prevent sunburn from happening. Just mix tomato paste with olive oil and apply it on your skin every day for 10 weeks. You will find that your skin is more resilient in fighting off the effects of sun exposure. Also, tomatoes have high amounts of carotenoids which can reduce cellular damage.


You should make it a point to add fish to your diet if you want to make your skin look beautiful. Sardines, tuna, salmon, mackerel, and trout are just a few options to consider because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can minimize the inflammation in your body. Omega-3 can help make your hair healthy, protects your skin against signs of aging as well as cellulite.


There is always a reason to add eggs to your diet and one of them is that they are rich in protein. Protein is known for its ability to repair damaged cells which is important if you are trying to keep your skin looking young. What’s more, eggs have biotin which protects the skin against dryness.


If you are not a fan of yogurt, then maybe this will change your mind. Yogurt has the ability to fight off bacteria that is thriving on your skin so you won’t have to deal with acne breakouts and other skin blemishes. Another thing that you will love about yogurt is that it is actually a good cure for chapped lips because it has plenty of vitamin B in it which can help hydrate your lips. What’s more, yogurt is good for your stomach too as it brings back balance to your gut environment.


For those who are not big fans of fish, there are other food sources that you can choose to get your omega-3 essential fatty acids such as walnuts. This nut packs plenty of omega-3s which can make your hair and nails healthier and shinier too. Your skin will be benefited too as eating walnuts can help keep your skin looking smooth and blemish free.


If you are prone to acne or you want to prevent it from occurring, eating garlic is highly recommended. Garlic contains antibacterial properties that can eliminate bacteria that is causing your acne to flare up. Another plus to garlic is that it also has anti-inflammatories that keep any swelling or irritation at bay.

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