Gluten-Free Diet Mistakes that We Keep on Making

Nowadays, it is easier for us to go on a gluten-free diet, as groceries and restaurants are offering products that are free from this ingredient. What’s more, health specialists, as well as those who have done their own version of a gluten-free diet have been sharing tips and recipes on how to overcome the need for gluten.

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However, although it seems that going gluten-free is going to be easy, there are still some mistakes that we can make that will affect our small intestine further, especially when you do not correct your ways immediately. That being said, if you are planning on going gluten-free because of your gastrointestinal problem, these mistakes should be remembered and avoided at all times.

Not doing your research

Many of us are guilty of diving head first into a diet without doing ample research about it. Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons why most of us fail to keep up with the diet of our own choosing. If you want to avoid the numerous pitfalls that newbies make when they go all gluten-free, you better do your homework first.

Making a wrong assumption of gluten-free foods

It’s easy to fall into a trap of assuming that just because a food looks gluten-free, it already is. Keep in mind that gluten may be included in some products which is why you need to be thorough when buying food for your home.

Going all out with gluten-free snacks

You’re probably happy with the idea that there are gluten-free snacks available in the market today, and although they may mean that you can have a quick bite of them in between your meals, they are still not recommended for your condition. For those who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, you are better off having healthy foods to boost the amount of nutrients inside of you.

Having a little gluten

It’s true that old habits die hard, and if you are thinking that it wouldn’t hurt to have a little gluten every now and then, you’re wrong. What this simple act does is to undo all the effort that you have been putting on your gluten-free diet. Even if you have gluten intolerance or that you have gluten sensitivity but not due to celiac, and you ate something that has gluten in it, you won’t be feeling well after a while. Although it is tempting to have a bite or two, the effects should be enough to stop you.

Not studying up on gluten labels

Another mistake that we make when it comes to following a gluten-free diet is that we assume that we know all the labels that refer to gluten.  You need to keep in mind that companies don’t have to disclose everything on their products, and although they may not include gluten in their list of ingredients, if the facility that they are using has gluten among the ingredients being used, there is a chance that some amount will be found in the food that you are eating. That being said, you are better off choosing products that have been certified as gluten-free.

Not separating your food

Cross contamination may happen in a shared manufacturing facility, so if you think that it won’t happen at home, think again. Just imagine the number of instances gluten gets transferred around the kitchen without you being aware of it. That being said, it’s a good practice that you should separate your food as much as possible, to lessen the chances of contaminating your meals.

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