10 Natural Beauty Tips You Can Try

Tired of spending money on expensive products that sometimes give your body allergic reactions? Try these cheap natural beauty tips that are so easy to use even an idiot can follow.

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  1. Fast Pimple Removal:

Normally, a pimple can heal naturally by its own. But, there are times when we need the pimple gone as soon as possible. We have all proven it to ourselves that not even the most expensive products are capable of finishing the job. Believe us when we say that this quick fix can make your pimple disappear in just a day or two.

  1. Wash your face before hitting the sack.
  2. Wet a baking soda with honey, fresh lemon juice or water.
  3. Apply the tiny paste to the pimple, big enough to cover it.
  4. Patch a band-aid on top for the final blow.
  5. The pimple should have had been diminished or completely gone by the next morning.
  6. Repeat process every single night until the annoying pimple is gone.
  1. Moisturizer:

This natural approach surpasses the capabilities of expensive products and the effects last for many days.

  1. Apply warm compress on the skin.
  2. Coat with vegetable oil, extra-virgin olive oil, coconut or sunflower oil.
  3. Reheat the compress and leave it on your skin for a good 10 minutes.
  4. Use a natural soap to wash skin and rinse.
  5. Wallow in the great difference it has made for your skin.
  1. Pop Blackheads:

Worry not since this is non-toxic and will leave no scar.

  1. Apply warm compress on the blackheads until they soften.
  2. Pop them out gently.
  3. If you are having difficulties, then resume with the compresses.
  4. Wash with natural soap.
  5. Wipe with lemon juice or witch hazel.
  6. To reduce redness, apply a cold compress.
  1. White Teeth:

Doesn’t it give you the feeling of defeat when, after buying and using toothpaste, gels, goo, and strips; it didn’t make your teeth similar to the sparkling white teeth of the brand’s model? Throw those untrustworthy materials away and replace them with baking soda and dental floss. This method is very hard on the enamel so strictly do this only once a month.

  1. Brush and rinse.
  2. Between your top teeth, rub baking soda.
  3. Create a mini-sander between your teeth with dental floss.
  4. On the flats of your teeth, rub the baking soda.
  5. Repeat process on the bottom.
  6. Brush and rinse once again.
  7. Wet your lips and smile for the camera!
  1. Face Mask:

Prepare the following ingredients: ½ tablespoon vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon sunflower oil, 2 tablespoons honey, ½ cup powdered oats, and 1 squished gel-cap of vitamin E.

  1. Make a paste by adding water and mixing everything.
  2. Apply warm compress on skin to open pores.
  3. For 10 minutes or more, leave the mixture on the skin.
  4. With little liquid vegetable oil, rub normally on dry areas.
  1. Cuticle:

Prepare the following ingredients: toothpick, ½ tablespoon cooking oil, and natural soap.

  1. If you have nail polish applied, remove it.
  2. With warm water and natural soap, wash your hands and dry.
  3. Rub little cooking oil on every fingernail.
  4. Clean under your nails using a toothpick.
  5. Repeat step 2 and 4.
  1. “Pee Pee” Bumps:

This is only for the ladies who have bumps around their privates’ area. Avoid bumps by refraining from cutting hair beneath the skin. This is where natural methods truly shine out because chemically treated products are so strong they irritate your privates. Gather a natural soap, new razor, and witch hazel wipe and commence wiping and bring forth the destruction of irritation-causing bacteria.

  1. Next Level Bath:

You relax in a tub of plain water? Boooring. Throw the following into your tub next time: 1 cup Epsom salt, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 cup powdered oats, 3 tablespoon vanilla extract, and 2 cups Dead Sea salt.

  1. Mechanical Dermabrasion

Prepare the following ingredients: warm water, 1 tablespoon baking soda, powdered floats, preferred herbs, bananas, oats, and essential oils.

  1. Wet skin.
  2. Mix baking soda with all the other ingredients aside from water.
  3. With a washcloth or your bare hands, gently rub on your skin the baking soda.
  1. Hair Treatment

Prepare the following ingredients: mashed banana, and an egg.

  1. Mix the two ingredients to make a thick paste.
  2. Apply mixture to hair and leave on for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash normally.


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