5 Inner Thigh Slimming and Fast-Busting Exercises

Even if you’ve done plenty of exercises, your inner thigh doesn’t seem to get toned at all. You probably have a great behind from all the stairs you’ve climbed or have those beautiful calves because of your constant jogging but you just tend to cringe when wearing thigh-highs.

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You’ve probably heard the same story from others who even feel that their thighs feel like jelly. Some even remark that their thighs were more cellulite than muscle.

Actually it doesn’t have to stay this way. There are ways for you to get your inner thighs toned so you’ll be able to achieve that sexy, sculpted legs you’ve always dreamed of.

You don’t really need those strenuous regimes or fancy equipment to exercise your inner thigh. Just so you know, the muscles in your inner thigh can be a bit stubborn because they resist getting into the best shape. The good news is that you can tame your muscles with nothing more than a few props and dedication.

Here are 5 exercises for your inner thigh that you can actually do in your own home. You read it right. You don’t have to go to the gym to improve the look of your thighs.

1. Kick a box.
One of the best exercises for the inner thigh is actually the easiest. If you’ve been moving from one apartment to the next then you’re probably familiar with kicking a box around. You just need to fill a box with old books. Here’s what you should do. Look for a cardboard box. If you don’t have an empty box, remove the contents of the box to be reorganized later. Fill the box with something heavy like old books or even canned goods. You don’t really need a lot. Five to ten pounds will do. If you need more weight, just add a few canned goods. Toning your inner thighs doesn’t need a lot of weight and of course, you don’t want to overwork your knees particularly if you’re a beginner. Set the box on your floor and start kicking it. Linoleum and hardwood floors are great but you can do with wall-to-wall carpet. You just need to lighten the load due to the resistance.

When you kick the box, you don’t actually have to lift it or let it fly through the room. You just need to be able to move it a few inches using the inside edge of your foot then a few inches more with your other foot. This is actually how soccer players dribble the ball. When they move forward, the inner sides of their feet usually keep the ball in the center and front of them which is exactly what you need to with the box filled with canned goods and books. You should slide it gently while keeping the box in between your feet.

You don’t need to move fast not to mention keep at it for long. This exercise will do your inner thighs some good even when repeated a few times. If you find it easy add more weight. If you’re working hard to move the box, lighten the load. It’s that simple.

2. Kickboxing.
This is a more aggressive version of box kicking since it requires a lot of stamina and energy and a kicking bag. Kickboxing is actually a badass kind of exercise for the inner thighs since you feel cool and powerful when doing it. These are probably a few reasons why this exercise is an effective way to get those muscles toned.

The kickboxing bag is the same as that of a boxing bag but this one is placed in the floor. It’s immobile and sturdy and can be found in online listings or in your local gym.

Do you remember that you use your inner foot to kick the box? In kickboxing it’s the same but instead of pushing the box using your feet, you will need to stand in front of the kickboxing bag, raise one of your legs, and kick it using your inner calves. You can twist your upper body to give maximum strength on each kick as it increases your being a badass.

You can even imagine yourself as an actor in one of Bruce Lee’s movies. If you look at his movies, you’ll notice how he turns his body while swinging his leg up so that the inner calf or foot makes contact with the bag. This is what you should achieve when kickboxing. Of course, you need to take it at easy at the start since you’re not Bruce Lee. You shouldn’t kick too high and only use the right amount of force. Try joining a beginners class in kickboxing so you can practice your approach as well as finding the right strategy to kick the bag and your cellulite too.

3. In-line skating.
There are some women who just hate the idea of exercising. You might hate jogging because you have bad knees or you get bored with walking easily. It is also possible that you don’t have the means to join a gym. Regardless of how you hate exercising, if you like to goof off, there is still a chance for you.

Have you ever seen roller derby for women on TV? It’s basically a type of contact sport where in two teams of women use the roller track to get points. There are plenty of subtleties and rules about the game but those who have seen it wanted to try it out.

Roller derby is actually a bit risky since there are many instances of sprained ankles and broken arms. Even serious injuries are not that uncommon in this sport. However, it’s good in building your confidence and those who are professional derby players are women in their forties.

If you can, buy a pair of roller skates and go around your neighborhood slowly. The following day, your legs will ache badly but it actually helps in toning the muscles of your inner thigh. Research shows that in-line skating and even ice skates are effective in getting rid of the flab in your inner thighs. Just don’t forget to get knee pads and helmet along with your roller blades for protection.

4. The Scissors.
So far the exercises mentioned above require you to have some sort of props. This one doesn’t. You’re probably familiar with this exercise back in your elementary school days. This exercise is simple and can help tone your muscles gently. You need to purchase any equipment or any strenuous workout. You just need room in your floor.

You can use an exercise mat for this or just go and use the carpet in your living room. Since you’re doing this at home, you can use whatever you like. To do this exercise, simply lie on your side and use your arm to prop your head. You’ve probably seen plenty of sexy photos of women who are on their side with their hand on their head and the other hand placed on the curve of their hip. This is basically the same pose you want to do. Make sure that your legs are straight and that your toes are pointed. You are now assuming the pose of a pair of closed scissors.

Lift one leg slowly then lower it back gently. If you’re on your right side, lift your left leg high, hold it in this position for a few seconds, then bring your leg back down gently. You can flex your foot in and out while doing this exercise. Flex your foot in upon lifting then out with the second lift and so on. This will help make your calves stronger.

You should bring your leg halfway down so your muscles will struggle for a bit to keep this movement. The longer you hold this position the harder it will be for the muscles on your inner thighs. Do 20 repetitions of leg lifts for each of your leg every day.

5. Plie!
Have you done ballet when you were a kid? Another exercise that is good for your inner thigh is an exercise done in the first year of ballet. Again, you don’t need to buy any equipment for this except for a wall to brace yourself on.

You should stand about an arm’s length beside a wall. See to it that you have room to be able to bend your knees without you hitting the wall. Begin the plie with heels together and the toes pointed a bit outwards. Slowly bend your knees while making sure that your heels are together. When you’ve lowered yourself as much as you can, slowly rise. Again, keep your heels together and make sure that they’re on the floor.

Once you’re standing again, raise yourself up slowly all the way to the tip of your toes while keeping them pointed outwards. Your heels won’t be touching when you rise. Lower yourself down. You can use the wall to brace yourself.

You will feel a lot of aches in a good plie. This is actually a good exercise for your leg muscles and you don’t even need any equipment.

Once you’re way past the beginner stage, you can add dumbbells to your exercise to better tone your inner thighs as well as arms. You can even use ankle weights when you do the scissors or plies for added resistance.

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