Dealing with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Naturally

A very common condition afflicting so many reproductive-age women is polycystic ovary syndrome. PCOS for short, it is brought about by hormonal imbalance and causes an assortment of problems ranging anywhere from acne, excessive facial hair, hair fall, weight gain, irregular menstrual cycles, diabetes, heart disease to depression. PCOS may also cause the development of ovarian cysts and problems with getting pregnant.

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It’s true that the symptoms and complications polycystic ovary syndrome may be managed with medications and hormone therapy. However, there are also some natural remedies apart from traditional ones. The following are some effective ways to deal with PCOS through herbs as well as diet and lifestyle changes:


The presence of lignans makes flaxseeds highly effective in combating the effects of PCOS. Lignans are plant-based compounds that are capable of binding with the hormone testosterone. Flaxseeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids known to help reduce inflammation and lower risk of heart disease. Up to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds may be added to a glass of water. You may also choose to simply sprinkle flaxseeds on oatmeal, soups, salads and smoothies.


According to experts, cinnamon is very good at normalizing the menstrual cycle of women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome. The aromatic spice is also said to help with insulin resistance, one of the many problems brought about by PCOS. To take advantage of cinnamon’s PCOS-battling properties, simply mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of warm water. You may also add it to your cereal, oatmeal, sandwiches and others.

Apple Cider Vinegar

A staple in so many home remedies for various health conditions, apple cider vinegar may also be beneficial if you have PCOS. This sour condiment is known to control your blood glucose and reduce insulin production, thus reducing the body’s testosterone levels. Apple cider vinegar also helps you lose weight. In the morning and before having a meal, drink a glass of water with a couple of tablespoons of pure and organic apple cider vinegar.


Regulation of the blood glucose level and improvement of insulin resistance are two of the things brought about by fenugreek, making this herb very good for a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome. Additionally, fenugreek helps strengthen the heart, lower bad cholesterol levels and promote weight loss. Before taking fenugreek seeds for PCOS, make sure you soak them in water for 6 to 8 hours. Take a teaspoon in the morning, and another one before lunch and dinner.


Also known as vitex, chasteberry has been used for centuries for relieving menstrual problems, normalizing the hormones and promoting fertility. In a cup of hot water, simply add a teaspoon of chasteberries. You may use fresh or dried ones. Allow it to steep for about 10 minutes, then strain and drink. You may also step foot in your local health and food store to check for the availability of chasteberry in supplement form.

Foods Rich in B Vitamins

B vitamins help in the overall health of the hormonal system of your body as well as regulate the levels of androgen. By having the hormones regulated, the various symptoms of PCOS may be considerably reduced. Other than taking B vitamin supplements, it’s a great idea to include in your everyday diet foods that are rich in B vitamins. Some of them are beef, salmon, tuna, turkey breast, eggs, milk, oatmeal, bananas, avocados, potatoes and kidney beans.


The intake of isoflavones helps in regulating menstrual cycle as well as ovulation, therefore effectively dealing with infertility caused by PCOS. Isoflavones can be found in grains, legumes and a number of leafy vegetables. However, the best sources of these plant-based organic compounds are soybeans, soy milk, soy butter, edamame and miso.

Exercise on a Regular Basis

Having moderate exercises regularly is very good for women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome. It helps in regulating the menstrual cycle as well as improving insulin resistance. As a bonus, exercising helps in the elimination of excess pounds and maintenance of an ideal weight, something recommended for sufferers of PCOS. Walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming, and even gardening, cleaning the house and walking the dog are good exercises for PCOS sufferers.

Lose Unwanted Weight

There are various reasons why losing weight is recommended if you have PCOS. It helps in warding off some of the most common complications of the condition such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Weight reduction also helps in bringing back your normal menstrual cycle and promoting ovulation as it reduces the body’s androgen levels.

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