3 Strategies to Stay Fit in the Metro

Urban dwellers’ life is always on the move even before the advent of technology. However, upon entry of digital age in this generation, city residents are too fascinated about the convenience digital technology brings, making them to slow down or for some, embrace a sedentary lifestyle.  Most of the time they are glued to television, sitting in front of the computer or tablet listening or surfing the latest in social media. These dwellers turn inactive with little or no exercise at all.

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A study shows that occupational sitting time is linked to obesity. Those workers who are seated for more than three hours possess a body mass index (BMI) greater than 25. The ideal BMI range should be from 18-22.

Another study reports that participants who spent leisure time in Internet and computer use are two times more likely to be obese compared to those who had no Internet and computer use in their leisure time.

Overweight and obesity become an immediate health concerns among city dwellers. To get back in shape, starting a weight loss regimen is a good start. It is recommended to consult a physician or a nutritionist to help you in doing a proper diet as well as exercise program to address weight gain.

We listed down some strategies to get back in shape and stay fit while living in the city.

Strategy #1: Change your eating habits

  • Check the label. Be informed about the types of fat found in the food you eat. Refrain from eating foods with high transfat and saturated fats. These types of fat are bad for your health. When selecting meat, get the leaner ones. Indulge more on fruits and vegetables to cope with city life’s hustle and bustle.
  • Widen your selections. Choose healthier alternatives to the usual meals that you eat. Trade French fries to baked potatoes. You can opt for grilled or steamed fish instead of fried. Plan your meals and stick to them. Better, consult your nutritionist regarding this matter.
  • Indulge on low-calorie food. The recommended low-calorie diet for women is 1200 to 1500 calories per day. If you are facing difficulty in doing this method, consume small portions to get you started and then pace yourself slowly until you reach your intended goal.

Strategy #2: Get physically active

  • Start walking. Walking is a simple way to pump up your day. If you live near the office, walk your way getting there instead of using a car or public transport. On weekends, instead of going to the mall, go to the nearest park and walk around. Bring your pet or invite a friend to keep you company.
  • Count your steps. Use a pedometer to count the number of steps you take in a day. The challenge is to attain a certain number of steps one day and to increase them in the succeeding days.
  • Take it to the next level. Both moderate and vigorous activity is recommended to stay fit and healthy.

Strategy #3: Manage other factors

  • Wake up early. Waking up early allows you to do things in proper perspective and helps you manage your time. Everything follows when you start to rise early.
  • Ease the stress. Stress can radically affect your fitness progress. If stress is a trigger for you to eat, identify the stressor and find other options to fight it.
  • Do a food journal. Recording everything you eat and drink in a day, will allow you to become aware of how much you have eaten. In addition, it will help you identify if you are eating the right ones.
  • Manage your digital time. There is nothing wrong about digital technology. However, this activity should be done in moderation. Balancing your time to exercise and doing digital activity makes you better physically and mentally.

Living in the city has many rewards when used wisely. So, do not be overwhelmed with what city life brings you. Creating a good balance between the basic and digital life is the key to attaining a fit and healthy you.

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