What Should You Do After Stubbing a Toe? Here are the Steps

Stubbing a toe — it’s a very common foot injury that can send you writhing in sheer pain. Generally speaking, it’s nothing serious. The pain usually subsides within minutes, allowing you to go about your day. There are instances, however, when medical attention is warranted, such as when a fracture or ligament sprain is involved.

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Most of the time, getting your toe stubbed happens when you’re barefoot. In rare cases, it can also strike when you have footwear on. Those who are engaging in sports are more susceptible to it. However, just about anyone may end up with a stubbed toe — most especially one who is clumsy! Regardless of the case, stubbing a toe is no picnic!

Other than screaming expletives trough clenched teeth, here are the steps to take after having your toe stubbed:


Stop and Look

What you should do first is observe your injured toe. Does it look bent or misaligned? If it does, it’s very much likely to be fractured — especially if you heard or felt a pop at the time of the unfortunate event. A stubbed toe that definitely does not look normal should be checked by a doctor right away!


Disinfect the Wound

Is the skin cut or broken? This requires you to have the injured site cleaned and disinfected. Thoroughly wash the wound with soap and water. Dry thoroughly with kitchen paper or a clean towel, and apply a little antibacterial ointment.


Ice the Injury

Consider yourself fortunate if there seems to be no broken bone or sprained ligament, and the skin is undamaged. But you still have to put up with the unbearable pain! What you should do is have the area iced in order to make the throbbing sensation go away.

Just remember to wrap the ice cubes in a small towel before placing them on the injured site. Put the ice pack in place for about 10 to 15 minutes. It’s a good idea to wait for at least 10 minutes before icing the stubbed toe once again in order to save the skin from potentially ending up injured.

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Have the Foot Elevated

It is perfectly normal for the stubbed toe to look swollen. To reduce swelling, elevate the foot where the injured toe is. The goal is to place it higher than your heart in order to direct blood flow away from it. Lie down and prop your leg on a pile of pillows. Stay in this position for several minutes.


If Necessary, Take a Painkiller

Can’t bear the pain? Then pop an OTC painkiller in your mouth. However, you may also simply take a cup of freshly-brewed ginger tea to help you bounce back from the nagging pain in an all-natural way. Ginger tea is known for its superb ability to alleviate not only pain, but also inflammation.

At bedtime, consider drinking a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of turmeric powder dissolved in it. Just like ginger, turmeric is one of the best home remedies for pain and inflammation.


Wear Comfy Footwear

Because of the pain and inflammation, putting on shoes can be a challenge. Just make sure that you opt for footwear that provides the stubbed toe with enough room. It’s also a good idea to opt for slippers, but be very careful not to make the same mistake twice! Do take note that it’s perfectly normal for the injured toe to be very sensitive for several hours until such time that it has fully recovered from the ill-fated incident.


Continue Monitoring

The pain usually goes away on its own after several minutes, but the bruise (if any) may stay around for a few days. If the pain does not disappear or returns or worsens each time you attempt to walk, there could be a broken bone or sprained ligament which requires medical attention.

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