Signs That You Might be Suffering From Glaucoma

Glaucoma is characterized by damage to the optic nerve (the nerve that sends signals from the eyes to the brain) because of increased pressure in the eyes. It’s something that needs to be treated promptly. Otherwise, it may cost you your vision when the optic nerve becomes completely damaged.

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Unfortunately, glaucoma usually does not produce any symptom until the eye disease has already caused significant damage to your optic nerve. The good news is the progression of glaucoma can be managed upon its detection. To date, there is no known cure for it, although proper treatment can help put glaucoma under control.

The key is to have your exes thoroughly examined by an ophthalmologist, a doctor who is specializing in the medical and surgical care of your eyes and vision. There are numerous tests that can determine whether or not you have glaucoma. Tonometry is one of them, which is a test that will measure the eye pressure.

Some people are more at risk of having glaucoma than the rest. Some of them include older adults, those who are of African and Mexican descents, and people with family histories of glaucoma. Eye specialists say that being nearsighted and having your eyes injured in the past can also put you at high risk of glaucoma.

Check out the following symptoms that are associated with glaucoma. If you have one or more of the following, seek the help of an ophthalmologist to have your eyes examined and treated:


Change in the Color of Your Iris

Your iris is the colored circular muscle of your eyes. No one knows the color of your irises more than you do. If you notice some changes in its coloration, step foot in the clinic of an ophthalmologist to get your peepers checked. Eye specialists say that a change in the color of the iris could indicate increased pressure in the eyes.


Sensitivity to Light

It’s normal for people to squint or blink when bombarded with a lot of light. However, if you notice that you are more sensitive to light than before, something could be wrong with your eyes, including their pressures. Consider having your peepers examined so that an ophthalmologist may be able to determine the cause of such.

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A Dark Spot in the Middle of Your Vision

Do you notice a dark spot right in the centre of your field of vision? It may indicate damage to the optic nerve. An increase in the pressure in the eyes is something that can wreak havoc to your optic nerve, and it may eventually cause loss of vision if not controlled. Being seen by an ophthalmologist is important as soon as that dark spot appears.


Eye Pain That Comes Back

Sometimes eye pain can be due to tension headache. In some cases, it can be due to an increase in the eye pressure. Pain in or around the eyes may indicate glaucoma. Make sure that you consult an ophthalmologist if your eye pain does not go away after a few days, or tends to come back frequently to bug you.


Having Blurred or Double Vision

An increase in eye pressure can certainly have a negative effect on your vision. One of the symptoms of glaucoma is blurring or doubling of vision. So if it seems like everything you see is hazy or distorted or you are seeing double, have your eyes seen by an ophthalmologist to check if it’s glaucoma that is causing such.


Itchy, Red and Watery Eyes

Most of the time, eyes that are itchy, reddened and watery is due to a simple irritation. But don’t take these symptoms lightly if they tend to happen all the time. That’s because they may actually indicate glaucoma. Eye specialists say that eye lids that are inflamed and encrusted can also be associated with glaucoma.

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