Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis

At any given time, there are both good and bad bacteria in a woman’s privates. There are instances, however, when the bad ones outnumber the good ones, leading to an infection. One of the most common infections involving the vagina is called bacterial vaginosis, which is something that can be managed with a few home remedies.

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The presence of a whitish or grayish discharge, usually with a fishy odor, is one of the telltale signs that there is bacterial vaginosis going on. Redness, itching and inflammation of the vagina are other ones. Sometimes a woman who is having the said infection may experience pain or burning sensation when urinating.

Experts say that having multiple partners in bed can increase a woman’s risk of bacterial vaginosis. Having poor hygiene is also a trigger. Too much douching, similarly, is regarded as a cause, too. A woman’s likelihood of winding up with bacterial vaginosis can also increased by cigarette smoking and excessive intake of alcohol.

Provided that the immune system of a woman is fine, bacterial vaginosis tends to resolve on its own — in particular after the good bacteria in the vagina has outnumbered their bad counterparts. To help speed up the healing process and reduce the signs and symptoms, a woman may also try the following home remedies:


Aside from making the gut healthier, yogurt is also very good at putting bacterial vaginosis to an end. That’s because all the beneficial microbes present in it can help the good bacteria in the vagina win the war against the bad ones. Yogurt may be left in the vagina for several hours. A tampon may also be covered with it before insertion. A woman may also add yogurt to her everyday diet to ward off bacterial vaginosis. The best yogurt for the job is the plain kind.

Tea Tree Oil

Everyone who is into home remedies knows that tea tree oil is a powerful antimicrobial agent. It’s exactly due to this reason why it may also be used for dealing with bacterial vaginosis. In a large bowl of water, a few drops of tea tree oil may be added. After stirring, it should be then used for rinsing the privates. This home remedy for bacterial vaginosis has to be carried out once daily for 3 to 4 weeks straight for best results.

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A very common culinary herb, garlic can help accelerate the healing of bacterial vaginosis because it is superb at killing off bad bacteria. Someone who is bugged by bacterial vaginosis may crush 3 to 4 cloves of garlic, which then have to be applied on the problem area. The vagina should be thoroughly washed with water after 15 to 20 minutes — longer than that can only cause some soreness. Similarly, more garlic may be added to a woman’s diet. 

Tea Bags

Women who are into drinking tea have easy access to some of the best home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, and those are tea bags. A couple of tea bags should first be moistened with hot water for a few seconds. Then they need to be stashed in the fridge. Once cool, they should be placed in the vagina for about 10 minutes. The use of tea bags not only helps put an end to bacterial vaginosis in no time, but also provides instant relief from the symptoms.


Other than for building muscles, milk may also be used as an all-natural solution for bacterial vaginosis. A woman who is suffering from the said infection should simply soak gauze in milk and then place it her vagina, leaving it there for several minutes. Also, she may dip a tampon in milk before insertion. It can also be very beneficial for a woman to drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of turmeric powder dissolved in it at bedtime.

If you know some other home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, don’t feel embarrassed sharing them below!

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