Health Benefits of Pigeon Peas

Pigeon peas originated in India over 3,000 years ago. However, they eventually spread to Africa and various parts of the planet, and are now widely cultivated in tropical as well as subtropical regions.

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In various cultures, pigeon peas are consumed as grains. Because they have an unremarkable taste, they are often combined with other legumes. Despite of this, pigeon peas never fail to impress when it comes to the health benefits they offer. And what are some of them? They are the following:

Lowered Blood Pressure

Potassium is one of the key nutrients found in pigeon peas. That’s why their consumption is ideal for people whose blood pressures are above the normal range. Potassium helps lower the blood pressure because it is a vasodilator — it causes the walls of the blood vessels to relax.

For superb results, the intake of pigeon peas should be paired with healthy eating habits and regular exercise. Cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol consumption should be ditched, too.

Reversed Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Another reason why pigeon peas are good for the cardiovascular system is it supplies the body with folate. A type of B vitamin, folate actually works hand in hand with iron in the production of red blood cells. Someone who is diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia can benefit from the intake of pigeon peas.

Females who bleed heavily during their periods can also benefit from the addition of folate-rich foods like pigeon peas in the diet as they are very prone to iron-deficiency anemia.

Healthier Babies

Women who are in the family way, too, should include pigeon peas in their diet on a regular basis as they are susceptible to having iron-deficiency anemia due to the growing babies inside them.

By the way, folate in pigeon peas is also important for the prevention of neural tube defects, which are defects concerning the brain and spinal cord that can affect a baby growing in the womb. Most especially during the early stages of pregnancy, a pregnant woman should include consume pigeon peas and other food sources of folate.

Enhanced Energy Levels

B vitamins present in pigeon peas help convert carbohydrates into fuel that the cells may use. In other words, the intake of pigeon peas can help keep you energized.

Pigeon peas also contain protein that supplies energy and at the same time stokes the metabolism. This only suggests that people who like to slim down should include pigeon peas in their everyday diet. With a faster metabolism courtesy of the rich protein content of pigeon peas, eliminating excess pounds should be a much easier task.

Increased Digestive Health

Thanks to the loads of fiber present, consuming pigeon peas helps promote better digestion and a healthier gut. Adding pigeon peas in your diet can help facilitate digestion, making sure that you get to enjoy all of the nutrients in the food you eat. Also, they help increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Fiber in pigeon peas also helps keep your bowel movement regular. So if you’re the kind of person who’s prone to having constipation, remember to add pigeon peas and other fiber-containing foods in the diet.

Strengthened Immunity

One of the most abundant nutrients in pigeon pea is vitamin C. Everyone knows that this nutrient possessing antioxidant properties is something that helps make the immune system strong. A strong immune system is important to lower a person’s risk of having infections, such as cough, flu and the common cold.

Thanks to the antioxidants in pigeon peas, their consumption can also help control inflammation, which is something that’s linked to a lot of diseases, from diabetes, arthritis to cancer.

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