Health Benefits of Eating Japanese Eggplants

Wondering why all the eggplants available at your favorite supermarket tend to look longer, thinner and more misshapen than usual? Don’t steer clear of them! They’re Japanese eggplants, which are in season between July and October.

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Japanese eggplants are just as good for you as the ones you are accustomed to, but they come with a bunch of perks. For instance, they have thinner skins. This only means that you may skip reaching for the peeler before cooking them. And speaking of cooking, Japanese eggplants may be cooked in all sorts of ways. You can have them sautéed, fried, grilled, baked and even pickled. In other words, Japanese eggplants are still as versatile as other eggplants.

However, what’s so nice about Japanese eggplants are they are almost devoid of seeds. It only means that they do not have the kind of bitter taste that other varieties of eggplants are notorious for. This is great news because Japanese eggplants are definitely more delightful to eat, even among children!

Why should adults and children alike include Japanese eggplants on their diet on a regular basis? Here are some of the amazing health perks that these elongated treats offer:

Better Immunity

Vitamin C is one of the key nutrients found in eggplants, and this is the reason why serving them on the table on a regular basis can help make your immune system strong. Since much of the vitamin C is in the peel and Japanese eggplants require no peeling, you get to enjoy all of the immune-boosting vitamin C they contain!

Lower Blood Pressure

Thanks to their low sodium content, the consumption of Japanese eggplants won’t make your blood pressure increase. Another reason why Japanese eggplants are great for keeping your blood pressure normal is this: they contain good amounts of potassium which helps to dilate or widen your blood vessels.

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Lesser Alzheimer’s Risk

Scientists say that one of the most impressive antioxidants present in Japanese eggplants is called “nasunin”. That’s because it is capable of shielding the cells of the brain from being damaged. In other words, eating Japanese eggplants can help prevent and even slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Regular Bowel Movement

Japanese eggplants are phenomenal sources of fiber, which is necessary for the prevention of constipation. This only means that eating these eye-catching veggies can help keep your bowel movement regular. By the way, fiber is also good for the cardiovascular system as it helps sweep out excess bad cholesterol.

Slimmer Body

Are you trying to get rid of unwanted pounds? Then do your best to eat Japanese eggplants regularly. Again, it’s for the fact that they contain lots of fiber, making you feel satiated quickly and for longer periods of time. Experts in nutrition say that Japanese eggplants are also very low in calories and fat.

Bigger Muscles

Most especially if you’re a vegetarian, including Japanese eggplants in your diet can help ensure that your body is supplied with much-needed protein. What’s so nice about Japanese eggplants is they make for wonderful substitutes to meat recipes, allowing you to adhere to your vegetarian life with so much lesser challenge.

Reduced Neural Tube Defects

Japanese eggplants are especially beneficial for pregnant women and their babies. It’s because of a type of B vitamin found in them which is folate. Medical experts say that folate is a nutrient so important for the prevention of neural tube defects (problems with the development of the brain and spinal cord) in babies.

All of these are the health benefits that Japanese eggplants are known to bring. When shopping for these deep purple-colored beauties, remember to go for ones whose skins are firm and smooth, and free of soft and darkened spots. Also, stash them in your refrigerator right away as Japanese eggplants tend to have shorter shelf lives.

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