Health Benefits of Limequats

Put simply, limequats are the products of the crossbreeding of key limes and kumquats. They first came into being in Florida, and that’s why their scientific name is citrus x floridana. If you are curious to know more about limequats, continue reading. And kindly repost this article online after you’re through to get everybody acquainted with limequats, too!

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Outside, limequats resemble kumquats, although they are slightly larger in size and more rounded in shape. Inside, they are just like key limes — juicy and tart. Limequats have very few seeds in them which are typically removed prior to consumption. They are in season in the middle of the fall and throughout winter.

To date, there are three different varieties of limequats, and all of them are named after certain towns in Florida, the state in which they were developed. These varieties are Eustis (the offspring of key lime and round kumquat), Lakeland (a kumquat and Eustis hybrid), and Tavares (the product of crossbreeding key lime and oval kumquat).

Just like limes and kumquats, limequats can be sliced and tossed into salads. They are excellent for turning into juice or flavoring all sorts of beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic alike. And very much like their parents, limequats are ideal for turning into jams, preserves and marmalades, and also for making pies and various desserts.

Now that we’re through doing a quick background check on limequats, it’s now time for us to tackle some of the benefits they offer. The following are what you will enjoy for including limequats in your diet:

Lowered Infection Risk

Just like their parents, limequats are loaded with vitamin C that helps keep the immune system working optimally. As a result, your risk of going down with the common cold or flu can be significantly reduced. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that helps control oxidative stress, something that’s known to weaken a person’s immunity.

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Delayed Skin Aging

If you are a beauty-conscious person and the steep prices of today’s anti-aging products are giving you an anxiety attack, simply include limequats in your diet regularly. Their vitamin C content has the ability to zap free radicals. What’s more, the said nutrient encourages the production of collagen that makes the skin firm.

Strengthened Bones and Teeth

Limequats supply the body with calcium, and that is why their consumption can help strengthen the bones and lower one’s risk of having osteoporosis. These hybrid fruits from Florida also help keep the teeth strong, courtesy of their calcium content as well as vitamin C that is crucial for keeping the gums in a healthy state.

Reduced Risk of Cancer

Thanks to the loads of antioxidants in limequats, their regular intake may help lower your chances of having to face cancer. Free radicals damage cells, which can leave them mutated. When that happens, cancer may strike. Antioxidants in limequats zap free radicals before they have the opportunity to wreak havoc to your healthy cells.

Lowered Heart Disease Risk

A couple of reasons exist why limequats can help in keeping your heart in an excellent shape. First, they contain potassium that widens the blood vessels and lowers the blood pressure. Second, antioxidants in limequats help prevent cholesterol buildup in the arteries, which is something that can increase a person’s risk of heart attack and stroke.

These are some of the impressive benefits that limequats have to offer. You are not going to have a hard time enjoying them because it’s fairly easy to introduce these crossbreeds into your life — they are just as versatile as their parents, which means there are various ways for you to have them regularly added to your diet.

Do you have family members and friends who know the perks of consuming fruits on a regular basis? Then kindly repost this article on your different social media sites to get them acquainted with limequats!

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