DIY For Clear Skin

Is clear skin hard to come by? You’re probably wondering how others are able to maintain their smooth and soft looking skin while yours often end up with breakouts and blemishes. Most likely you have spent a lot of money on skin care products in the hopes that you’ll have that glowing skin but then find that you break out more often or are left with greasy residue on your skin. It is annoying and frustrating to be sure but why go through all the trouble when you can drink your way to a healthier and clearer looking skin? Here are a few recipes that you can try to help you get that clear skin you have always wanted.

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Watermelon mint

In this recipe, you will need to prepare 1 to 2 liters of water, 1 lime or lemon, part of a watermelon, about 10 to 13 fresh mint leaves, and some ice cubes. Start by slicing some watermelon into cubes including the rind then put them into a pitcher or a jug even. Get your lemon or lime then cut into wedges then add to your watermelon. The next one would be the fresh mint leaves then pour water into the pitcher or jug. You will need to leave the mixture in the fridge overnight so that the flavors will be able to steep. Drink this the next day to help flush the toxins from your body.

Citrus cucumber

Detoxifying your body is one of the best ways for you to flush out any toxins that are harming your body from the inside. For this recipe, you should prepare half a gallon of purified water, half of a lime, sliced, a cup of cucumber, sliced, a small amount of peppermint leaves, half of a lemon, sliced, half of grapefruit, sliced, and a teaspoon of ginger, sliced. Get a large pitcher and put all the ingredients in it. Mix it a bit then add ice cubes if you want a refreshing drink. Place it in the fridge and allow chilling for about 2 hours before drinking. Remove the water after 24 hours as the flavor can be too strong.

Skin detox

If you want to have clear and beautiful skin, this detox water is guaranteed to give you that. You will need 1 to 2 liters of water, 5 strawberries, sliced, a handful of mint leaves, 1 lemon, a teaspoon of cinnamon, some ice, and 1 apple, sliced. In a pitcher or a large jug, put all the fruits and water. Garnish it afterwards with the mint leaves and cinnamon then serve. Drinking this mixture is guaranteed to flush out the impurities in your body to help make your skin glow from the inside and out.

Strawberry spa

Berries are well known for the antioxidants that they contain which is why adding it to your drink is one way to get your antioxidant fix. You will need a pound of strawberries, hulled and sliced and a pitcher filled with filtered water. All that you have to do is to add the strawberries into the pitcher and put it in the fridge for 6 hours or overnight if you like. Just add ice to the drink before serving to have a refreshing drink perfect for the summer or any time you feel like having a rejuvenating drink to beautify your skin. 

These are just a few detox drinks that can help you have that clear skin you have always wanted. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to apply your skin care products. Think of these drinks as a way of cleansing your insides to help your skin become smoother, softer, and clearer too.

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