Tips on How to Prevent Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are quite common in many women with about 75% of women can experience them at one point in time. The size of the fibroids can range from millimeters, to be about the same size as that of a pea, with some growing to be the size of the grapefruit too. Unfortunately, these fibroids can grow big to the point that they can lead to hysterectomy.

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Fibroids are usually non-cancerous tumors that appear on the lining of the uterine wall hence the name uterine fibroids. Those who have these fibroids often experience pain as well as menstrual problems such as heavy bleeding or non-stop menstruation. The good news is that there are steps that can be taken to prevent them from forming in the first place. If you are wondering how, then these tips are worth trying out.

Avoid certain types of foods

There are some types of foods that must be avoided if you want to protect yourself against uterine fibroids and these are high fat meats, refined sugar, non-organic dairy, alcohol, and even refined carbohydrates just to name a few. This is because these foods can cause inflammation in the body which can trigger uterine fibroids to appear. What’s more, they can make your symptoms worsen if you are not too careful so it is best to leave avoid them at all cost.

Holy basil

It appears that holy basil can actually be useful in preventing uterine fibroids in the first place because it is capable of regulating cortisol levels. When your cortisol levels are regulated, it will prevent inflammation from happening in the body. This is ideal for those who are trying to protect themselves against any health issues including uterine fibroids.

Go organic

The best way to fight uterine fibroids is to go to organic. This is because eating organic foods will not contain any harmful ingredients such as pesticides. Ingesting food that contains pesticides can actually wreak havoc on your estrogen levels as well as other hormones that can lead to fibroids forming in your uterus. With that being said, eating organic foods can help regulate the hormones in your body.

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Milk thistle

Another way to prevent uterine fibroids from appearing is by taking milk thistle as part of your diet. One reason behind this is that milk thistle has been found to aid in liver health which is important because it can expel excess hormones that are causing fibroids in the first place. Taking milk thistle can actually promote better liver function which is important in keeping you safe from various health issues.

Have some flaxseeds

To regulate the estrogen levels in your body, you will need to learn how to shrink the uterine fibroids in the first place. This is where eating flaxseeds can help you out. Eating at least 2 tablespoons of fibroids daily can work on your body to shrink the uterine fibroids until they disappear. The good news is that you can mix the flaxseeds in your meal such as oatmeal, smoothies, and the like to get their health benefits.

Reishi mushrooms

Adding reishi mushrooms to your diet can work wonders to your health as it is an adaptogen and one of the best sources of antioxidants too. Eating reishi mushroom can help combat signs of aging too. 

These are just a few tips on how you can make uterine fibroids disappear or at least prevent them from happening in the first place. Taking steps to stop these fibroids in the first place can protect your uterine wall against them in the long run.

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