Best Herbs to Grow at Home

Herbs are great as natural remedies, teas and ingredient. You can buy these herbs on the market in capsules, powder or jar forms. These herbs are great if you are in a hurry, but what exactly do we know about these herbs. Were they planted in a clean and safe environment? How was the processing of these supplements? Is this the best quality of the product? Instead of asking these questions, you should consider growing your own! If you have a tiny space you can dedicate to planting herbs I recommend you try it. If you are not much of a green thumb here are some easy to grow herbs.

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Herbs and their Uses

Cilantro (Coriander) – Grows in cool and moist places. Cannot be grown in hot or tropical places.

  • Used as a garnish in Thai cuisines
  • Used is Indian curries
  • Is great in aiding the digestive system

Calendula (pot marigold) – Can be grown all season long. Harvest the colorful petals fresh or dry.

  • Petals used in cosmetics products and soothing creams.
  • Has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties

Rosemary – No need to plant many of this beautiful herb. One plant can provide you with enough rosemary you will need. It can be planted in any season and can live long.

  • Can be used as garnish or added to recipes
  • It can stimulate energy and increase concentration
  • A great alternative to coffee

Mullein – This beautiful herb should not be planted in cramp spaces. It can grow up to 4 to 6 feet.

  • The leaves are known to aide cough. It can be added to DIY cough remedies

Lemon Balm – is a beautiful plant that can be planted outside in sunlight.

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  • Can be added to glycerin for a gentle cream
  • Used in teas
  • Has an antispasmodic properties that help the nervous system
  • Can help relieve stomach cramps 

Peppermint – Plant in a moist area, should be planted away from other mint herbs. Harvest the leaves of the peppermint before flowering. When it blooms the leaves will give off a bitter taste.

  • Has a refreshing taste
  • Used in gums, toothpaste, baking, tea and coffee
  • Relieves nausea and stomach cramps
  • Cures indigestion
  • Applied externally for muscle pain

Thyme – this is a delicate plant, that should be planted in areas that are not too windy or too hot.

  • Thyme oil can prevent cold and flus
  • Has antiseptic and antibacterial properties
  • Can be added to cooking and salads
  • Is known to soothe nerves and have a calming effect.
  • Can relieve mild diarrhea

German Chamomile – Grown for its yellow flowers.

  • Can treat nervous stress, stomach disorders, infections and mental fatigue

Lavender – known for its sweet aroma, this plant prefers to be in sunny, ho and dry environments.

  • Can be used in salads, baking, butter, lemonade and teas
  • You can add lavender on pillows or use it as a fragrance
  • It can relieve stress, insomnia and tension 

Having these herbs on hand can help you with creating easy home remedies. Not only are they full of health benefits, they also attract beneficial bees and insects, while repelling pests.

When planting these herbs, remember that each plant has a desired water level, temperature and light condition. Don’t plant all your herbs in one location and keep in mind of their different needs.

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