7 Dangerous Home Remedies To Avoid

The purpose of relying on home remedies is to widen your knowledge about the wonderful healing capabilities of the natural resources around you and to have an alternative to harmful chemicals found in some products, or to find a remedy that surpasses the performance of even the most expensive products you have purchased. But sometimes, there are home remedies posted by article writers who perhaps either didn’t do much research on the content they published and just rewrote an article they found which contained the original harmful home remedy or whatever other reason. We’ve got you covered so you can keep your eyes peeled out there on what home remedies to avoid.

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  1. Grandpa Headache Powder onto the Gums:

This should be taken as a relief only for the problem its name suggests: headache. Applying this on the gums would chemically burn it.

  1. Herbal Remedies:

No, it’s not the herbal remedy itself that’s dangerous and wrong. It’s the way they are used. Herbal remedies should be treated exactly like regular medicines such as capsules and tablets. Manufacturer instructions should be adhered to and proper dosage must be observed otherwise it may lead to bigger problems, death being the worst. Also, before following the dosage instructed by an article you have read, it would be safe to consult a doctor if your body can take that much.

  1. Cutting Warts

Cutting warts with a sharp object may lead to infection. On top of that, it’s very painful. Stick to pumice stones.

  1. Needle vs. Eye Sty

It is common sense and very obvious that this is very dangerous. When something is wrong with the needle or your fingers, you may end up inadvertently piercing your eyeballs and there you would be screaming your backside out.

  1. Candle for the Earwax

People do this to suction the earwax out, but complication such as an ear infection or a blocked area may arise. You may even end up burning your hair instead. Do not use any home remedy alternative when it comes to cleaning the ear. Be content with the ear-drop you have.

  1. Butter for the Burn

Butter for deep burns? Nope. When a skin is burned, it would have had its protective function lost, leaving it defenseless to bacteria which the application of butter would introduce.

  1. Fingers Extricating Fish Bones

Pushing fish bones with the fingers may result in it being pushed further down the throat.

So, at some point in your life, have you used one of the wrong methods mentioned above which was unbeknownst to you back then?

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