Top 10 Easy-to-Eat Potassium Rich Foods

The importance of potassium cannot be denied. This mineral and electrolyte is necessary for muscle contraction, cardiac health, bone strength, proper digestive tract function and many others. Adults and children older than 13 years of age should receive 4,700 mg of potassium a day. Loading up on the following should help you meet that recommended daily allowance or RDA:

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No other fruit on the planet is as popular as bananas when potassium content is the subject matter. A regular-sized banana contains as much as 10% of your RDA. Bananas also contain vitamin C and B6, as well as manganese and magnesium.

Orange Juice

An 8 oz glass of orange juice contains pretty much the same amount of potassium in a regular-sized banana. Other than this mineral, orange juice also yields vitamin C, folic acid, calcium and thiamin. Oh, and it contains absolutely no cholesterol!

Dried Apricots

With much of the water content out of the picture, you can get nearly 100 mg of potassium in every dried apricot. These saccharine goodies also provide you with vitamin A as well as fiber that wards off high cholesterol levels and constipation.

Dried Figs

Nearly 700 mg of potassium is provided by 100 g of dried figs. They also contain calcium for strong bones, as well as copper and manganese for better immunity. Thanks to their mild laxative properties, eating dried figs helps deal with constipation.


Popular as snacks and toppings, 1/2 cup of raisins supplies your body with more than 500 mg of potassium. Packed with sugar, it’s a good idea to mix a small amount of it with other potassium-rich snacks if you are watching your weight.


You can obtain as much as 210 mg of potassium simply by eating 3 pieces of prunes. Also known as dried plums, consuming them is highly recommended if you are constantly having a bout with constipation.


Also known as honeydew and sweet melon, a cup of cantaloupe yields a little over than 400 mg of potassium. This super sweet fruit is also loaded with vitamin C that boosts the immune system and beta carotene that maintains sharp vision.

Unsalted Peanuts

When snack time arrives, grab a pack of unsalted peanuts. A 1 oz serving contains nearly 200 mg of potassium. As a bonus, unsalted peanuts also provide your body with muscle-building protein, heart-friendly fatty acids and immune-boosting zinc.


It’s no secret that this white and creamy liquid is packed with proteins, vitamins and minerals. A serving of it supplies your body with over 300 mg of potassium. Those with lactose intolerance, however, may have to opt for lactose-free forms.


Those with mild to moderate cases of lactose intolerance may not have trouble consuming yogurt, something that packs as much as 540 mg of potassium per cup. Yogurt also contains billions of good bacteria for better digestion and immunity.

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