Beauty Things You Should Never Share

Sure it is best to share as we are thought in our childhood, but there are really things you you should avoid sharing.  Here, we give you six beauty products and tools that you should never share—even with your sister and mom.

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1.  Creams And Lotions


Dipping and re-dipping your fingers into your lotions and creams inside jars will multiply the  bacteria build up in the product, since the airtight packaging is broken. No matter how much your BFF cleans and disinfects her hands before dipping into the pot of moisturizer you swear by, introducing a new set of hands to your product will only multiply the bacteria. TIP: Scoop small amount of the cream weekly into a smaller pot and wash regularly to lessen bacteria build up.

2.  Mascara


Any product that comes into close contact with any bodily fluids should NEVER EVER be shared. If your sister didn’t appear to have anything wrong with her eye when you lent her your favorite mascara even for once, she might be already carrying bacteria that may eventually give you a pinkeye, conjunctivitis, or even herpes in a couple of weeks.  You’ll never know.

3.  Tweezers


Even if you did not see any tinge of blood when plucking, still you draw out a microscopic amount of blood whenever you pluck hair out from your skin with tweezers. This makes you more prone to catching bacteria and infection. Since you prefer to have your eyebrows done in a salon, make sure to bring your own or in case you forget, ask your aesthetician to disinfect their tools. If you use tweezers yourself, wipe them with alcohol after every use.

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4.  Lipgloss


Lipgloss wands sit in closed and moist environments, so there’s really no stopping germs from multiplying once the product has been contaminated. The most common bacteria found in lipgloss wands are those that cause cold sores and even herpes. Save you and your friend the hassle of having to see the doctor for potentially dangerous sores and skip sharing lipgloss, no matter what the beauty emergency is.  It’s also like kissing your friend lips to lips, eew!


5.  Razors


Just like tweezers, razors can draw out blood and fluids from your body. That said, bacteria can be left on them even after washing. Infected razors can give you various diseases like hepatitis, staph infection and although highly unlikely—HIV.


6.  Makeup Brushes


Your makeup brushes are often damp with products—making them the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. So if your little sister Maria picks up your buffing brush and uses it to apply her foundation, she’s also transferring germs from your face to hers, making her prone to skin infection!

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