Men’s Top 5 Health Concerns

Men pass away at higher rates compared to women from the most common causes of death: cirrhosis, chronic liver disease, kidney disease, suicide, diabetes, influenza, pneumonia, accidents, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, cancer, and heart disease.

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Moreover, men die younger compared to women. Women outlived men back in 1920, but that was the only time they ever did. The gap of life expectancy has widened: Averagely, women now survive men by five years and more.

1. The most common form of cancer that is found in men is prostate cancer. It ranks next to lung cancer for the leading cause of death. Information on how prostate cancer happens is insufficient and unclear. Prostate cancer, if discovered in its early stages, is treatable. It shows no symptoms and thus makes it a challenge until it just spreads to the body’s other parts.

2. The leading cancer: lung cancer. Combine breast cancer, colon, and prostate, and it will still have the record of having claimed the most lives of men and women alike. Every year, there are hundredth thousands of new cases and deaths.

3. Compared to women, men are more likely to kill themselves fourfold. This is because of under diagnosed depression in men. Men are less likely to show depression openly and have somebody recognize it at an early tough time, which explains why men are additionally prone to suicide.

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4. The stroke rate incidence is greater in men compared to women, though there is no actual difference between the genders as people age. It’s a crucial factor to control hypertension to prevent stroke.

5. Heart disease is the most notorious killer in men and women. 1 in 4 men has some kind of heart disease.

If you are not having regular checkups with your physician to get a screening for health problems that are major, then the risks of you dying and catching disease is great.

A specific disease is not the biggest problem men have. The deficiency in monitoring your health care will cause diseases. “If you don’t get your cholesterol checked when it’s going high when you’re 20, and if don’t get your blood pressure checked when it’s going high when you’re 30, maybe your blood sugar’s getting a little high when you’re 40, what do you think is going to happen when you’re 50?” – Jean Bonhomme, an MHN board member, MD, MPH.

The blame should be put on the general society, expecting boys to toughen up and ignore pain. However, the rules change as people age and get older. Small pain may worsen, or indicate that there is something more serious happening in the body.

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