Nocturia: Learn Why You’re Peeing Excessively at Night

Most people can sleep for 6 to 8 hours straight without any interruption. However, there are those who wake up several times to go to the bathroom and pee. That’s a condition known as nocturia — excessive urination at night. Also sometimes referred to as nocturnal polyuria, it is something that can keep you from having a good night’s sleep. We all know the implications of not getting enough Z’s at night!

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Definitely, you are likely to end up waking up in the middle of the night to hit the bathroom if you drink plenty of fluids just before hitting the sack. But if there’s no excessive intake of fluids and still you are awakened by an urge to pee many times throughout the night, there could be an underlying problem. It’s important to seek the help of a physician in order to have the cause identified and treated, which will also put an end to nocturia.

The following are some of the most important matters about nocturia:


The inability to enjoy 6 to 8 hours of continuous sleep at night because of the urge to urinate several times is a clear indicator that you are suffering from nocturia. It’s no secret that sleep loss can cause a host of problems, and it’s very much likely for you to end up with those issues if you have nocturia. Some of them include irritability, depression, excessive daytime sleepiness, poor cognitive functioning, and increased risk of accidents and diseases.

Just because you wake up in the middle of the night to pee doesn’t necessarily mean that you have nocturia. Being awakened by the urge to step foot in the bathroom should happen several times throughout the night for you to consider consulting your doctor for nocturia.


For most people, the intake of excessive fluids most especially before bedtime is the root cause of nocturia. The same is true with the consumption of anything that has a diuretic effect, something that promotes excessive urine production. Alcohol and coffee are some examples of beverages that can increase your urine output.

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Sometimes nocturia is brought about by taking diuretic medications in the late afternoon or at night. Drugs that control high blood pressure can cause you to pee more than normal, and you should tell your doctor about your bouts of nocturia if you believe that it is brought about by the prescription drug you are taking. Some slimming pills also have diuretics in them, keeping you from having uninterrupted sleep at night.

In some cases, an underlying medical condition is the one causing increased frequency of peeing at night. A very common problem that can cause nocturia is a urinary tract infection (UTI). There is also the so-called overactive bladder (OAB) that can leave you awakened at night for a number of times. Anxiety can definitely cause nocturia, too.

People with diabetes are also at risk of suffering from nocturia. One of the hallmark symptoms of diabetes is polyuria, which leaves the person peeing more than normal. Polyuria also strikes diabetics at night.

Any medical condition that can decrease the bladder’s capacity can cause nocturia. Some examples include bladder prolapse and the presence of tumors in the bladder or pelvic area. In males, prostate enlargement, infection or tumor can cause nocturia. Experts say that nocturia may also be experienced by individuals who are suffering from certain neurological problems like Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis (MS).


If it’s your habit to drink lots of fluids before bedtime, reducing the amount of fluids you consume can put an end to your nightly problem. Avoiding alcohol and coffee at night can also ward off nocturia.

For nocturia that is caused by an underlying medical condition, treating the root cause can put an end to nocturia. It is important for you to consult your doctor if you feel that you have nocturia in order to determine whether or not the problem is caused by a medical condition that needs to be addressed.

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