Seborrheic Dermatitis Info and Treatment

Seborrheic dermatitis is a very common skin condition that’s very similar to eczema and psoriasis appearance-wise. No one really knows what causes this, although experts agree that there are several different things that can be blamed for it, many of which will be discussed later.

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This skin condition usually develops where there’s too much oils present, and this is why it appears on the scalp very commonly. However, it can also appear on any other part of the body such as the chest, back and even the face. By the way, when seborrheic dermatitis appears on the scalp of infants, it is referred to as cradle cap.

Cure for seborrheic dermatitis is non-existent, although individuals who suffer from it need not lose hope. That’s because it’s something that can be managed simply by knowing the triggers as well as carrying out some essential skin caring solutions. Part of properly dealing with this skin condition is by knowing a few very important matters about it. Continue reading so that you may get acquainted with seborrheic dermatitis more.

Seborrheic Dermatitis Causes and Triggers

Just like what’s said earlier, experts do not really know what causes seborrheic dermatitis to develop. However, it is thought that the skin condition has a couple of primary causes. First, it is believed that it is brought about by the presence of lots of skin oils, the reason why majority of seborrheic dermatitis cases affect the scalp. Second, it is said that the condition is due to a particular type of yeast (malassezia) that is naturally present in skin oils.

Experts also believe that seborrheic dermatitis may run in families, which means that you may have it if you have family members who are suffering from the skin condition.

There are also a few triggering factors for seborrheic dermatitis being considered. Some of them are stress, fatigue, obesity, depression, alcoholism, poor skin care, the use of certain cosmetics with alcohol, and the presence of other skin problems like acne. Experts say that the environment, too, can be blamed for seborrheic dermatitis, such as the weather.

Signs and Symptoms of Seborrheic Dermatitis

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It’s not unlikely for the affected skin to appear red and feel itchy. Usually, skin flakes can be found on the area, and this is why dandruff appears when seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp. You may also notice the presence of yellowish scales or crusts on problem areas. When it appears on the eyelids, a condition referred to as blepharitis may develop. Blepharitis is characterized by the inflammation of the eyelids.

Since seborrheic dermatitis pretty much looks like a few other skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, it can be easily mistaken for some other skin problem. For instance, seborrheic dermatitis in infants may be commonly mistaken for a simple case of diaper rash. It’s for such reason why seeing a doctor is important to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Unfortunately, there is no cure currently existing for seborrheic dermatitis. However, the skin problem tends to clear up by itself especially through the help of some proper skin care routines. For seborrheic dermatitis that affects the scalp, the use of dandruff shampoo available over the counter may be beneficial.

The truth is this skin condition is usually a life-long problem that appears and reappears. Someone who is suffering from seborrheic dermatitis may go through periods when the signs and symptoms are absent. He or she may also encounter the so-called flare-ups when the different signs and symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis appear.

Certain at-home remedies can prove to be very helpful if you have seborrheic dermatitis. You may opt for the use of OTC creams that are formulated for skin fungal infections and itchiness. It is a good idea to thoroughly rinse off soap and shampoo. Also, when shopping for skincare products, consider going for the non-hypoallergenic kinds.

Wearing cotton clothes can be beneficial as it permits the skin to breathe. Do your best to avoid garments with textured fabrics. If you’re a male, it can be very beneficial to shave off your mustache or beard.

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