See How an Artificial Mole Could Help in the Early Detection of Cancer

Many people choose to have their moles surgically removed to safeguard themselves from skin cancer. Did you know that one day in the near future individuals who would like to have heads up about brewing cancer could choose to have artificial moles capable of alerting them to get seen by a doctor?

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It’s what doctors are calling biochemical tattoos, and they could help save lives as well as considerably reduce intensity of treatments and healthcare costs.

Highly interested to know more about these artificial moles? Then keep on reading. Below you will come across some of the most important matters you need to know about these biochemical tattoos. Don’t forget to repost this article on your various social media sites to get everyone you care about acquainted with these artificial moles, too!

Implant That Changes Color

Doctors have created a prototype of artificial mole that is constructed from a genetic network that is integrated into the cells of human beings. Then it is housed in a device that’s safe for implantation just right under the skin.

To date, the said implant has been tested on mice as well as samples of pig skin, and it has shown to work effectively — it changed in color which was an indicator that cancer is brewing. While not yet implanted under the skin of a human being, time will come when this innovation will be further perfected for such purpose.

Calcium is the Secret

What makes the implant go from invisible to visible is an increase in the amount of calcium in the body for an extended period of time. Yes, the reason for its effectiveness is the mineral that’s known to strengthen the bones.

You see, when cancer is in its early stages the levels of calcium in the body rises. This is not normal as calcium levels should not remain elevated for extended periods of time as much of them should be stored in the bones. The developers of biochemical tattoos harnessed this phenomenon in giving cancer patients an early warning sign.

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Four Types of Cancer Detected Early On

According to the developers of these artificial tattoos, their inventions are highly effective in detecting very early on 4 types of cancer: breast, lung, colon and prostate cancer.

Doctors say that these forms of cancer can be hard to detect during their beginning stages — commonly, they only make their presence known when they are already in their advanced stages, during such times they already need intensive treatment and getting rid of them could prove to be challenging already.

Helping to Save Lives

The moment that these biochemical tattoos detected the early stages of any of the above mentioned types of cancer, they will darken in color, catching the attention of those who have them implanted under the skin.

Such prompts them to pay their doctors a visit ASAP for early screening procedures as well as treatment, thus helping to lower risk of cancer-related deaths as well as the need for aggressive treatment approaches and expensive healthcare needs. Having this biochemical tattoo is especially beneficial for individuals who are at high risk of one day developing breast, lung, colon or prostate cancer.

An Invisible Version Available, Too

Someone who doesn’t want to have a visible mole-like formation on his or her skin but like to get a heads up on cancer currently brewing within may elect to have an invisible version of the biochemical tattoo.

It works just like the regular counterpart — it changes color when there’s a marked increase in levels of calcium in the body for an extended period of time. However, the alteration in color is not detectable to the naked eye — the person who is implanted with the invisible artificial mole has to pay his or her doctor to have the implant viewed under red light.

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