Want to Try Gin-Soaked Raisins for Arthritis? Here’s the Recipe

Have you heard about the folk remedy for arthritis that consists of golden raisins soaked in gin? If you want to give it a try because you just don’t want to risk it taking NSAIDs all the time, continue reading. Below you will learn how to make gin-soaked raisins that are purported to give you a break from arthritic pain effectively.

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Don’t forget to share this article on your various social media sites — it’s perfect for your family and friends who suffer from arthritis and are on the hunt for some all-natural remedies for it.

Soaking golden raisins in gin for relieving pain brought about by arthritis is nothing new. Actually, it’s been around for so many years now, every now and then surfacing and grabbing the attention of everyone, including most especially those who do not want to rely on NSAIDs to deal with their achy joints due to arthritis.

NSAIDs are some of the most popular remedies for arthritic pain, but what’s making them even more attention-grabbing is the fact that there are simply so many side effects and risks associated with their intake.

Headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain, stomach ulcers, ringing or buzzing in the ears, rashes, wheezing, high blood pressure, kidney damage, liver problems — these are just some of the side effects and risks that anyone who takes NSAIDs for relieving arthritic pain may encounter.

It’s because of all of those terrifying side effects and risks why more and more arthritis sufferers are turning their backs on NSAIDs and trying one folk remedy after the other in the quest to find the best all-natural remedy for arthritis. And gin-soaked raisins are some of those that seem to gather lots of positive feedback.

Here are the steps to follow if you give gin-soaked raisins a try:

Place the contents of a box of golden raisins in a large glass jar with a cover. 

Carefully, pour some gin into the glass jar, just enough to cover all of the golden raisins. 

Cover the glass jar and place in a cool and dark corner in your kitchen. 

Allow the golden raisins to soak in gin for an entire week.

That’s how really simple it is to make gin-soaked raisins that are revered for their effectiveness at dealing with arthritic pain. After soaking the raisins in gin for a week, consume 10 golden raisins a day.

For this to work properly, proponents say that you have to meet the following requirements:

Use golden raisins as they are the ones suited for the job and not any other kind of raisins. 

Check the label of the gin to confirm that it is flavored with juniper berries.

If you fail to meet any of the above requirements, then you may not attain relief from arthritis using this age-old folk remedy. However, some people claim that they have tried using gin flavored with sloe berries and enjoyed much-needed pain relief, too! Perhaps it’s a good idea to find out which type of gin will work better for you.

No one can really tell why this particular remedy works. But from a scientific point of view, it is very much likely that the anti-inflammatory properties of both golden raisins and juniper berries in gin that are allowing those who try it to obtain respite from their achy, swollen and stiff joints get some much-needed relief.

Just like when planning on trying out any folk remedy, it’s a good idea to let your doctor know about it first.

Don’t forget to come back to this page after trying gin-soaked raisins for a couple of days — share your experience with this popular folk remedy for arthritic pain in the comments section below.

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