Home Remedies for Snoring

Snoring is no fun especially for the people around you. Read on to know some tried-and-tested effective home remedies for snoring so you may start giving everyone some peace and quiet at night.

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1. Change sleeping position. Snoring happens mostly when you are on your back as the soft palate and the base of your tongue are likelier to collapse to the throat. Try sleeping on your side to give everyone’s ears a break at night.

2. Invest in a high quality pillow that provides utmost neck and head support. Try using a couple of pillows to elevate your head and see if it’s something that can keep your snoring at bay or to a minimum.

3. Elevating the head of your bed can work wonders too. Do this by propping up the legs of that side of your bed using some bricks. Aim to lift the head portion of the bed 4 to 6 inches off the floor.

4. Lose some pounds if you are overweight. One of the culprits behind snoring is obesity. Exercising on a regular basis and having a healthy eating habit allow you to shed off excess pounds, something that can put a stop to snoring.

5. Steer clear of drinking alcohol before you hit the sack. When you’re drunk, the throat muscles wind up more relaxed than usual. This is what causes your snoring problem to worsen each time you consume alcohol before bedtime.

6. Ask your doctor for another prescription medicine if the one you are taking makes you snore like no other. Some drugs are known to cause or promote snoring, such as those for allergies, anxiety and depression.

7. Quit smoking to put a stop to snoring. Smoke that cigarettes produce irritates the membranes found in your nose and throat. This causes the blockage of the air passages at night as you sleep, causing the problem to show up.

8. Refrain from having a big meal just before you sleep. The digestive process causes the throat muscles to relax excessively. Dairy and fatty foods tend to cause more mucus in the throat to be produced, and this contributes to snoring.

9. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each and every day. Setting up a regular sleeping and waking up schedule is one very effective way in keeping your snoring at bay.

10. Get your hands on a pack of nasal strips and use one every night. These products are designed to help keep the nasal passages wide open, thus saving you from ending up breathing noisily while you are in dreamland.

If your snoring is really getting out of hand, it’s important to consult a doctor about it. This is especially true if you commonly feel tired and sleepy during the day even though you think you had enough shut-eye. You may already be suffering from what’s known as sleep apnea, something that is linked to heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

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