Natural Ways to Get Rid of Blemishes

Skin blemishes affect the sufferers’ perspective of themselves. Affected people spend a lot of money just to get rid of these blemishes. One of the common risks is that the chemicals used have adverse effects on the body. Here are some natural ingredients to get rid of blemishes.

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Coconut Oil
Coconut can help you with the blemishes in just a short amount of time. The skin’s impurities are eliminated resulting to a lighter skin. Coconut oil also acts as a protection against the sun. It is also used as a night cream to wake you up to a better skin complexion.

Rose Water
Rose water is an effective skin toner. It also works as an antibacterial agent. After spending much time under the heat of the sun, it works to soothe the skin. When sprayed directly to the face, it prevents and treats blemishes.

Lemon or Banana Peel
Banana peel and lemon peel have good antibacterial properties. The peels can help remove acne and at the same time give the skin some protection against blemishes. Leave the peel on the skin for at least 20 minutes. Wash with water.

Castor Oil
Drinking your favorite juice with a dose of castor oil will help you remove the impurities out of body and help keep new blemishes from developing.

Nothing short of an acid, yogurt is great for removing the lines to make the face look younger. It brightens the skin by naturally eliminating the new layer of the skin. For better exfoliation result, mix with oatmeal or even lemon juice.

Oatmeal and Milk
Oatmeal has been widely known as an effective exfoliation agent. It gets rid of the dead skin and prevents the skin pores from being clogged with dirt and oil. The milk’s lactic acid will lighten the sin and stop and lessen the formation of lines and wrinkles.

Honey helps in dealing with infections. It is also effective against the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. Dab a little honey on the skin with Q-tips. Apply directly on the blemishes. Leave it on the skin for at least ten minutes and wash with a cleanser. Do this three times a week.

Application of other substances such as lemon grass oil, lavender oil, shea butter, and black soap are also respected home remedies. Use them to get rid of blemishes with the force of nature.

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