Why You Should Include Shallots in Your Diet

Shallots belong to the same family as onions. They are also closely related to garlic. And that is why it doesn’t really come as a shock why shallots are very good for you. Loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, shallots offer numerous perks — from reducing weight, aiding digestion to lowering blood pressure.

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Introducing shallots in your diet is not a problem. That’s because you can add them to practically any dish where onions are usually used. And just like onions, it is very much possible for shallots to be eaten raw.

The pungent aroma they have is a clear indicator that shallots are extremely rich in detoxifying and inflammation-fighting compounds that contain sulfur. They are also the ones that give both onions and garlic their characteristic scents. Because of the presence of these compounds, shallots are effective against free radical damage and chronic diseases.

Shallots also contain fiber, potassium, manganese, and vitamins A, B6 and C. Shallots are also very low in calories and they contain no saturated fat and cholesterol, which means they are good for the heart and figure.

Without further ado, let’s tackle the reasons why you should consume shallots more often:

Reduced Heart Disease Risk

There are numerous health-giving compounds present in shallots, and one of the most noteworthy is allicin. If the name rings a bell, it’s because it is the one that makes garlic a wonderful culinary and medicinal herb.

Experts say that allicin is very good at thinning the blood. So in other words, allicin is nature’s answer to aspirin. It’s not a good idea for the blood to be too thick because it can encourage the formation of a blood clot. Although the clotting of blood is beneficial when you are bleeding, its formation inside the blood vessels is not a good thing — it may impede the flow of oxygenated blood to your heart muscles or brain, leading to a heart attack or stroke respectively.

Another great thing about shallots is they help lower blood pressure. That’s because these herbs contain potassium that helps dilate or expand the blood vessels.

Well-Managed Diabetes

Shallots are extremely beneficial for people with diabetes, as well as those who are at risk of ending up with the disease. It’s for the fact that shallots are capable of controlling the levels of sugar in the blood.

Leaving high blood sugar levels unmanaged is an utter no-no because it can eventually lead to complications, many of which are very serious. For instance, it can impede circulation of blood to the lower extremities, potentially resulting in the need for foot or leg amputations. High blood sugar levels can also put a person at risk of heart problem.

There is one more reason why shallots are perfect for diabetics and pre-diabetics alike — these herbs may help control obesity, which is something that can complicate diabetes tremendously. According to scientific investigations, certain compounds in shallots help suppress the accumulation of fat.

Reduced Risk of Having Cancer

Because shallots are loaded with sulfur-containing compounds that help fight off toxins, including these herbs in your diet on a regular basis may help considerably lower your risk of ending up with deadly cancer. Also, those compounds in shallots control inflammation, which is something that is known to contribute to cancer development.

The anti-inflammatory properties of shallots are not only good for warding off cancer, but so many other health concerns, too. Experts say that heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes and obesity can all be linked to inflammation. You can reduce your chance of having them by putting inflammation under control.

By the way, the detoxifying and anti-inflammatory capabilities of those compounds in shallots help make these herbs beneficial for people with all sorts of allergies as well as weakened immune systems.

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