Home Remedies for Sore and Painful Calf Muscles

Because of their location and tasks carried out, it can be very easy for the calf muscles to end up sore and painful. While it’s true that such problem is a commonplace among athletes, just about anyone can get it — engaging in intense exercises, lifting heavy objects, climbing a lot of stairs are some of the usual causes.

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Having sore and painful calf muscles can definitely keep you from doing various physical activities, including everyday ones such as walking, driving a car or riding a bicycle. It’s also something that can prevent you from working out or engaging in sports, which can be a bummer if you’re a fitness buff or an athlete.

Fortunately, calf muscles that are sore and painful can be managed by a few simple home remedies that can help you get back on track in no time. Read on to know some of the smartest steps that you may take the moment you end up with sore and painful calf muscles so you can attain relief and return to having a normal life without delay.

Quit the Activity

As soon as you realize that there is something wrong with your calf muscles, immediately quit doing what you are doing. Otherwise, you are risking giving your calf muscles a much bigger problem, which can take a very long time to heal and sometimes require expensive medical procedures.

Elevate Your Legs

One of the best home remedies for sore and painful calf muscles is to have them elevated. This means that you have to place your legs on a bunch of pillows while you are sitting or lying down. The goal is to position your calf muscles higher than your heart level to keep them from swelling much further.

Compress the Muscles

You may also prevent the swelling of your calf muscles from worsening by having them wrapped in elastic bandage. Do make sure that you do not apply too much pressure as it will impede proper blood circulation, which is something that can do your calf muscles more harm than good.

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Rely on an Ice Pack

You can attain relief from painful and sore calf muscles with the help of an ice pack. However, there are a few things to take note with regards to this home remedy. First, never apply ice directly on your skin — the right way to do it is by wrapping ice with a small washcloth. Second, do not rely on ice if muscle cramping is present.

Apply Heat

If your calf muscles are exhibiting pain but they do not look sore, then it’s a good idea for you to apply heat them. Doing this can help in diminishing the amount of pain and discomfort you are experiencing. Experts recommend avoiding heat application on calf muscles exhibiting soreness during the first 24 hours to keep it from worsening.

Drink Plenty of Water

One of the things that can make your calf muscles prone to becoming sore and achy is dehydration, which can rob your calf muscles of much-needed electrolytes. Remember to drink plenty of water as you are nursing your painful calf muscles to supply them with electrolytes as well as flush out toxins.

Perform Gentle Massages

Having your sore and painful calf muscles gently massaged regularly can greatly assist in the recuperation process. The best was to carry out this home remedy is to use olive oil or coconut oil that is slightly warmed in the microwave. But before using it as massage oil, double check that it’s not scorching hot!

If the problem refuses to go away or keeps worsening despite of trying out the above home remedies for sore and painful calf muscles, seek the help of a doctor.

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