Benefits of Savoy Cabbage You Should Know About

Savoy cabbage is a member of the cruciferous or brassica family of vegetables, which is known for its superb ability to detoxify the body and fight off inflammation. You are not going to have a difficult time welcoming it into your life because it boasts of a much sweeter taste than ordinary cabbage.

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If you like to learn more about savoy cabbage most especially the health perks that it offers, read on. Afterwards, share this article on your various social media sites to get your family and friends introduced to it as well!

Wondering why savoy cabbage is called as such? It got its name from the fact that it originated from Savoy, a historical place that is shared by Switzerland, France and Italy. However, it is a very popular ingredient in numerous Chinese dishes. Savoy cabbage is also commonly used in a lot of Polish cuisines.

The shape of savoy cabbage is pretty much like that of ordinary cabbage, except that the leaves are deep green in color. Also they form a slightly loose head — you can easily have the leaves separated.

What’s so nice about savoy cabbage is it can be incorporated into the diet in a number of ways. You can have it used for making sandwiches, salads and even smoothies. It can be steamed or boiled, or chopped up and sautéed or stir fried with other vegetables. Basically, you are only limited by your culinary imagination!

Savoy cabbage is also admired for its many health perks, especially because it is a cruciferous or brassica vegetable. This only means that it is related to the likes of kale, broccoli and cauliflower.

Let’s now take a look at some of the many, many health benefits savoy cabbage is known to offer:

It Boosts Your Immunity

There are impressive amounts of vitamin C in savoy cabbage. It’s exactly for this reason why consuming it regularly can make your immune system a lot stronger. When the cold or flu season comes, some of your friends and co-workers may be spending time resting in bed as you remain infection-free and productive.

It Improves Your Eyesight

Another vitamin that savoy cabbage supplies your body with is vitamin A. Eye doctors say that this nutrient is important for maintaining 20/20 vision. If you suffer from night vision, loading up on vitamin A-rich savoy cabbage can help improve the problem. Many eye diseases can also be prevented with the help of this nutrient.

It Strengthens the Bones

There are a couple of reasons why savoy cabbage is very good at warding off osteoporosis. First, it contains calcium which is known by everybody as a mineral that strengthens the bone. Second, vitamin K savoy cabbage also has makes it easier for the body to absorb calcium so that it may be able to have the bone mineralized.

It Lowers Alzheimer’s Risk

According to doctors, vitamin K is also essential for keeping the brain in a healthy condition. That’s because it is actually a form of antioxidant that shields the brain cells from free radical damage. Numerous scientific investigations suggest that vitamin K is needed for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

It Detoxifies Your Body

One of the most amazing things about savoy cabbage is it has the ability to neutralize poisonous substances in the body. Again, it’s for the fact that it is a member of the cruciferous or brassica family of vegetables. Sulfur compounds found abundantly in savoy cabbage are the ones that make this leafy veggie and its cousins excellent detoxifiers.

It Reduces Risk of Cancer

Cruciferous or brassica vegetables are revered for their ability to prevent cancer from striking. Since savoy cabbage is a member of such group of vegetable, consuming it regularly may help in significantly lowering your risk of cancer. Additionally, savoy cabbage is known to help keep at bay various inflammatory diseases.

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