Benefits of Turmeric for Your Skin, Hair, and Your Health

Most of us rely on commercially made beauty products when it comes to our beauty as well as our health. This is evident with the amount of health and beauty items that fill up rows upon rows of shelves in many groceries and boutiques. Although there is no shortage of options to choose from, you don’t really need to spend a lot because of this. As a matter of fact, you can actually improve not just your skin and hair but your health too using natural ingredients like turmeric.

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Turmeric is a common spice in many Indian cuisines and it appears that adding it to your meals can actually do you a world of good. Here are a few benefits that you can reap from it.

Naturally brightens the skin

Turmeric is actually good in brightening your skin because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are quite effective in rejuvenating your dull complexion. It is often used in many Ayurvedic treatments and beauty products so you might want to incorporate it into your beauty routine as well.


Like it was mentioned before, turmeric contains anti-inflammatories that are actually useful in fighting off inflammation in your body. From joint inflammation, to swollen muscles, and the like, you will find that taking turmeric in tea form or in your meals can help you deal with any inflammation inside of you.

Reduces dark circles

For those who often end up with puffy and dark circles under their eyes, you’ve probably invested in many eye creams already. But do you really need to spend a lot just to banish those unsightly blemishes under your eyes? Truth be told, you can actually reduce the appearance of dark circles with the help of turmeric. Applying some turmeric paste under the eyes and leaving it on for a few minutes can help reduce the inflammation while lightening your skin too.

Treats dandruff

If you are suffering from dandruff or itchy scalp, a great way to alleviate this condition is to prepare a mixture of olive oil and turmeric. This solution can actually help improve your scalp better than using other hair products. Prepare equal parts of olive oil and turmeric then apply on your hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing using shampoo.


Another way for you to turmeric is to exfoliate your skin. A turmeric scrub is highly recommended for removing dead skin cells that often leave your skin looking dull. Mix a tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar, water, and turmeric. Massage the solution on problem areas then leave it on for about 15 minutes. Rinse afterwards then pat dry. A gentle cleanser can be used to remove any stains on your skin after this turmeric exfoliant.

Fights acne

Acne is a common skin condition that affects not just teens but adults as well. Turmeric works as a natural antiseptic where it prevents any bacteria that may causing your skin harm to spread further. Combine some turmeric with apple cider vinegar and apply on affected areas of your skin. You can also try mixing some with honey to help reduce the swelling and redness while speeding up the healing process.

Prevents hair loss

You can also use turmeric to protect yourself against hair loss. Although there is not much evidence to support this claim, where the curcuminoids in this spice is said to prevent your hair from falling, there are no harmful side effects to worry yourself about.

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