Natural Home Remedies for Soft Hands

Our hands are very helpful to us. Imagine not having hands. Since they are so important, it is just right to take good care of them.

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Mixed onion juice and vinegar can be used to acquire wrinkle-free hands. The change can be noticed in a few days of application.

A mixture of two teaspoons of sugar and three teaspoons of baby oil, olive oil, or vegetable oil can be used to massage the hands. Massage using the tip of the fingers in circular motion. Rinse with water after at least 10-15 minutes.

One tablespoon of honey can also be mixed with ¾ teaspoon of honey. With this mixture, massage the hands in about 3 minutes. Wash with water afterwards.

Olive Oil
A little olive oil mixed with oatmeal can be used to rub the hands. This is a good remedy to get rid of the dead skin cells. Rinse with water after 15 minutes. Olive oil itself can be used for the massage.

White Vinegar
Soak the hands in water mixed with a tablespoon of white vinegar. When done daily, this will result in a supple skin.

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Mash two boiled potatoes. Add 1-2 teaspoons of almond oil and glycerine. Make sure that the consistency is light so that it can be applied to hands easily. Wash with lukewarm water after an hour.

Lukewarm Milk
Dip the hands in a wide bowl with lukewarm milk. Do this for at least five minutes. Instead of rinsing it with water, dry the hands with towel. After that, apply some moisturizer. This will help get rid of dry and rigid skin when done regularly.

Coconut Oil
Chapped hands are best treated with a massage of coconut oil. In ten minutes, massage the hands the rinse afterwards.

Glycerine and Rose Water
A mixture of one tablespoon of glycerine, a few drops of rose water, and lemon juice can be applied twice a day to the hands to make them smooth and silky.

Gram Flour
Apply a paste of gram four and curd on the hands. After 15 minutes, rinse with water. This helps in keeping the hands really smooth and at the same time glowing.

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