What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome and How Can It be Treated Naturally

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a condition that many people are facing. In fact, statistics show that 1 out of 10 Americans suffer from the symptoms associated with IBS. Additionally, IBS ranks second to the common cold as one of the usual culprits behind work absenteeism.

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Unlike other diseases affecting the gut such as crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, IBS does not cause changes in the tissues of the bowels. Similarly, IBS does not increase your chances of having colorectal cancer.

IBS causes symptoms such as excessive gas formation, abdominal bloating and cramping, constipation and diarrhea. According to medical experts, a huge percentage of the population of those with this condition affecting the intestine have mild to moderate symptoms only. Those who experience severe symptoms are prescribed with certain medications.

Experiencing mild to moderate IBS symptoms and you are worried that the pills recommended by your doctor may leave you putting up with unfavorable side effects? Then opt for some all-natural ways in managing IBS. The following are some of the most effective solutions for IBS without taking drugs for the said condition:

Deal with Stress Effectively

Anyone with IBS knows that stress is something that can cause IBS and the various associated symptoms to strike. Especially if you are leading a very busy life or you tend to suffer from anxiety, it pays to calm your mind and body. Look for some excellent ways to combat stress, such as listening to music, doing yoga or getting regular massages.

Avoid Anything That Can Irritate Your Gut

There are certain foods that you have to dodge if you are suffering from IBS. Definitely, you should steer clear of spicy foods. Fried and fatty foods should be eliminated from your diet, as well as dairy products. Coffee and other beverages with caffeine can irritate your intestine, so it’s best to avoid consuming them too.

Include Fiber-Rich Foods in the Diet

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Fiber absorbs excess water in the gut, and that is why the consumption of fiber-rich foods can help ward off diarrhea associated with IBS. Since you may also suffer from constipation, it’s definitely a great idea to make sure that your diet contains oatmeal, beans, apples, spinach and others that are rich in fiber.

Snack on Yogurt

Consider having a serving or two of yogurt per day to keep IBS from striking. Good bacteria in yogurt helps keep the number of bad bacteria in your gut in check, and this helps prevent IBS-related problems such as bloating and diarrhea. Make sure that you opt for plain or unflavored yogurt to ensure that you are not consuming lots of sugar.

Exercise on a Regular Basis

Walking, swimming, bicycling or dancing for at least 30 minutes a day is a great way to combat the symptoms of IBS. Regular exercise helps remove stress and prevent constipation, especially when paired fiber-rich foods and plenty of water. Exercising also promotes an optimally working digestive system.

Refrain From Consuming Anything with Artificial Sweeteners

Mannitol and sorbitol — these artificial sweeteners may keep your waist from expanding but they can worsen your IBS. That’s because gas and diarrhea may ensue when bacteria in your gut act upon these artificial sweeteners. Make it a habit to read labels to ensure that what you are about to consume contains no mannitol or sorbitol.

Find Out Which Foods You are Allergic To

According to medical experts, you may be allergic to some of the foods that leave you with unfavorable IBS symptom. It’s a good idea to have yourself tested in order to determine which foods you should dodge. Eliminating them from your diet can help considerably reduce the frequency of IBS flare-ups.

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