Tips for Preventing Warts

It’s impossible for any human not to have warts regardless of the brand of soap and beauty products you use. There’s no foolproof way. But that doesn’t change the fact there are ways to at least lessen the risks of having warts.

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First and foremost, wash your hands regularly. After washing the dishes, wash your hands with hand soap. Before eating, wash your hands. After cleaning the house, wash your hands. After you’ve been outside the house, wash your hands. Viruses are everywhere and frequent washing of hands keeps warts and other illness away from you.

Another way is to keep your skin moisturized and free of cuts. Cuts, even the smallest ones, are an entry point for viruses to enter in. Refrain from biting your nails or cuticles even if it’s addictive and oddly satisfying for some unknown reason.

Viruses are to be blamed for warts, and we’ve learned since elementary school that viruses are everywhere. That includes your friends’ socks, your sister’s towel, and your father’s razors. Never share personal items like that every single day. Even if the owners of the items have no visible warts, their items may be carrying the viruses.

To prevent warts from spreading, don’t scratch your warts, never brush or clip areas with them, and cover the wart with tape, bandage, etc. If you touched your wart with your fingers, wash your hands immediately to wash the virus off.

Having warts are not a sign of being unclean, it’s very normal, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of having them. However, warts are contagious by direct skin contact with someone infected and someone not. They are not dangerous but it may take months or years for them to disappear, in the meantime spreading.

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