Transform Your Home To A Health Haven

Aren’t you tired of going home seeing the mess that stresses you more? Lessen your stressor by transforming your home conducive to one’s health. This will help you relax and combat stress. Going home to a tranquil environment calms your nerves, boost your energy and amp up your brainpower.

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How will you turn your everyday shelter into something healthy and relaxing place to be? Follow these quick makeover tips in creating a rejuvenating place to stay.

  • Create a solemn corner – Dedicate a room in your house to be your quiet corner. You can do this by re-arranging pillows and making your room dimly-lit. Do not put any distracting electronic device (laptop, smartphones, tv, etc.) to that specific area of your house. Put fresh blooms to accentuate your room. This corner of the house can also be a perfect place for meditation. Research shows that meditation can not only curb stress levels but also make your more compassionate.
  • Greening your shelter – Sprucing up your home with plants can lower blood pressure and stress-hormone levels. The leaves of the plant can act as natural filters, stripping pollutants and allergens from indoor air. A study shows that one plant inside your home can purify up to 100 square feet of air. Choose aloe vera, spider plants or peace lilies in greening your home.
  • Spritz your home with a relaxing scent –A fresh smelling home eases your mood, keeping you stress-free. Using citrus scent can alter your cranky mood. Likewise, spraying sweet smells like green apple can help in relieving migraine. Surrounding yourself with aroma candles or things similar to that can benefit your health. You may utilize orange or lemon peels or naturally scented soap to sprinkle some good scent.
  • Find your rhythm – Match your soundtrack to the mood you want when you are at home. If you desire to have some quiet time, listening to peaceful rhythm encourages relaxation. If you want to dance away with stress, switch for upbeat ones. A research reveals that classical music can lower your heart rate and blood pressure while fast-paced tempos can pump up your body and mind.
  • Try the trickle effect – Studies illustrate that being near water or hearing the sound of flowing water can lower heart rate and stress levels. It augments feelings of serenity and relaxation. If you have tabletop fountain in your room, plug it and feel the flowing sound it produces. If you have a small space, putting a picture of a river or seashore can lend some water’s calming effect.
  • Store fresh fruits and veggies – Of course, fresh fruits and vegetables offer health -boosting benefits. One of them is helping to regulate mood-stabilizing proteins in your brain. Munching on those foods can lighten up your mood. If you cannot eat them, opt for juicing them before it gets rotten.
  • Go for dim lights– Research shows that exposure to bright lights during the night can suppress melatonin by 50 percent even if your eyes are closed. Thus, make your bedroom as dark as possible by putting dark curtains so as the light won’t peep through the window pane. You may also wrap your lightbulbs in amber filter to create soft, warm ambiance that induces relaxation before bedtime.
  • Organize your clutter – Clutter makes us feel cranky. To diminish clutter and make your room feel larger, consider the things to be kept and things to be given away. Organize your stuff by making room for your things – your books, your makeup kit, your clothes, your bags, your shoes. Make sure you store and arrange them properly to retain its usefulness.
  • Paint the wall using soothing hues – For your sleep room, use cool shades of blue and green or neutral earth tones since these nature colors stimulate relaxation. If you are out of budget, incorporate accessories such as throw pillows, lampshades in calming hues.

With these tips in mind, you are more excited to go home earlier because you turn your home into a beautiful, relaxing refuge.


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