Easy Strategies To Make Your Pores Appear Smaller

Pores are small dots on the surface of the skin. They are openings of hair follicles and each one contains a sebaceous gland, which produces skin’s oil. They are more noticeable on the forehead and nose where the sebaceous glands are bigger.

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The size of the pores depends on your genes. If you are fair-skinned, your pores are smaller to look at. If you are on the darker side, you possess larger pores.  Your skin type also determines the appearance of your pores. Dry skin individuals tend to have less or barely visible pores while oily skin ones have visible and noticeable pores.

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Other factors that contribute to the size of your pore are as follows:

  • Dead skin cells and trapped oils when combined form a pimple, which causes the pores to stretch.
  • Exposure to UV rays weakens the skin’s collagen, making the pores appear bigger in size.
  • Loss of collagen that comes with skin aging can add to the appearance of pore size.
  • Picking and squeezing your pimple leads to skin trauma that may permanently widen the pores.

Women will do anything to make their pores look small. We list down easy ways in making your pore appearance small.

  1. Keep your face clean. This technique is a short-term solution in minimizing your pores. Cleansing your face stops your pores from expanding so it can hold extra oil and other dirt build up during the day. Cleanse your face twice a day with a pH-balanced cleanser. This prevents day’s dirt and makeup from blocking the pores. Also, wash your face before and after workout. Sweat enables cosmetics and debris to open the pores where they stay and stretch the skin. Consider the use of facial brush, as it has shown twice as effective as your hands in cleansing your skin.
  1. Go for skin exfoliation. Skin exfoliation is crucial in minimizing pores because it helps remove dry surface cells so the openings of your pores are not as deep, making them appear small. However, before you exfoliate, consider your skin type always to avoid damaging your skin. If your skin does not turn red, you can exfoliate daily. If your skin is sensitive, one to three times a week of exfoliation is recommended. Opt for gel, mask or lotion that has proven sloughing ingredients such as alpha hydroxyl acids, retinol or fruit enzyme. If you have large pores, select lotion that has salicylic acid as it will exfoliate your skin while treating blemishes.
  1. Apply sun protection. This is the rule of thumb when you exfoliate: always wear sunscreen. Removal of dead cells can make your skin more sensitive to UV light. Exposing your skin from the damaging UV rays slows down cell production. When the cell production slows, it forces the skin to work harder. The stratum corneum thickens and makes the pores look larger and ruddy. Likewise, when the skin is more exposed to the sun, it makes it less supple. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF of 30 daily. Of course, wear broad-brimmed hat, use umbrella to protect your skin when you are on outdoors. Avoid going out from 10 am to 4 pm where the sun’s UV rays are too intense.
  1. Use retinol-based products. Retinol helps minimize pores by decreasing the cohesiveness of the epidermal cells to remove the debris from the pores. Unclogging the pore makes it look smaller.
  1. Choose the right skincare products. To restore oil’s balance and clear pore, choose zinc and magnesium. To ease irritation and prevent pores from stretching out, go for soothing ingredients like rosemary and lavender. Use products that are noncomedogenic as they won’t clog your pores. Salicylic acid is also a good skin ingredient to minimize pore size. Its exfoliating function makes your pores clog-free. Do not use cosmetics and skin care products that contain heavy ingredients like petrolatum and mineral oil as these ingredients can be harsh on your skin because they irritate pores and make them appear bigger.
  1. Eat healthy. Opt for low-fat foods such as fruits and veggies. Avoid foods that are high in fat and oils because it can cause skin inflammation, leading to clogged pores.
  1. Take off that makeup before bedtime. Don’t go to bed with makeup on as this can block pores, stretch it size over time. Remove every makeup residue on your face and rinse your face with clean water.
  1. Spot treatment. For those with large pores on these areas – cheeks, nose, and forehead, try spot treatment with a clay mask. Put a thin layer on clean skin; leave it for several minutes and rinse. The clay can wick extra oil out of the pores gently and rapidly so your skin appears smoother. For oily areas, use blotting paper.
  1. Have a DIY Facial steam. Open up your pores and remove debris, oil and other impurities with herbal facial steam. Follow these easy steps. Combine hot water, fresh red rose petals, lavender, pansy, rosemary, basil and mint in a large bowl. Cover the top of the bowl with a towel for five minutes. Remove the cover and slowly move your face over the steam. Remain under the towel for 10 to 15 minutes. The steam brings oxygen and moisture to the face while cleansing the pores. Meanwhile, the aromatic scent relaxes you. After that relaxing herbal facial steam, rinse your face with water and pat it dry.
  1. Book for professional skincare treatment. Microdermabrasion is one of the most popular skin treatments that seeks to achieve younger-looking skin as well as minimized pore size. The procedure works by peeling off the outermost layer of the skin, taking the blackheads off your face and using suction to pull out the remaining dirt and hardened oil from the pores. This procedure helps return the size of the pores to its natural shape because the pores are clog-free. It also stimulates collagen production and increases elasticity, keeping the pores tight.
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