Foods That Actually Offer Sun Protection

Do you hate the greasy feeling you get after slathering on sunscreen? Well, you can keep the use of the said product to a minimum by being smart with sun exposure. Staying in the shade and wearing protective clothing and accessories can greatly help in lowering your risk of skin cancer as well as premature aging signs due to sun damage. Also, you can include certain foods in your diet that are said to offer sun protection.

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Yep, you read it right — there are foods that are capable of boosting your skin’s natural ability to protect itself from the effects of too much exposure to UV radiation the sun gives off! By consuming them on a regular basis, most especially during the year’s most sweltering months, you can keep sunburn and all the other problems associated with unnecessary sun exposure at bay.

Of course nothing can beat staying indoors and using sunscreen with an SPF of not less than 15 when sun protection is the subject matter. However, consuming foods that are scientifically-proven to help reduce the impact of UV radiation on your skin can contribute to the quest of defending yourself against problems too much sun can cause.

The following are some of the foods to enjoy if you want to stay as far away as possible from the various dangers the sun’s UV radiation can bring to your health and beauty:


Aside from keeping your vision sharp, beta-carotene found abundantly in carrots also helps counter the effects of excessive sun exposure. That’s because beta-carotene is an antioxidant that’s very good at shielding your skin from free radical damage associated with the sun’s UV radiation.


Vitamin C in strawberries is an antioxidant that is highly capable of neutralizing free radicals before they get the chance to damage your skin. Strawberries are also superb at easing the symptoms of sunburn as well as accelerating its healing. All you have to do is mash some strawberries and apply on affected areas of the body.

Green Tea

Catechins in green tea have amazing antioxidant properties, and this is why enjoying up to a couple of cups of green tea per day can help reduce the impact of unwanted sun exposure on your skin. You may also daub cold green tea on sunburned skin — tannins present in it can help relieve symptoms.


Snacking on a handful of almonds can help protect your skin from the sun’s UV radiation. That’s because almonds are rich in vitamin E, a nutrient so good for your skin because it has amazing antioxidant properties. Feel free to stash a small pack of almonds in your bag the next time you hit the beach.

Red Grapes

Quercetin found in red grapes is capable of reducing DNA damage brought about by UV radiation, say the experts. The said compound is known to help ward off skin inflammation, too. The consumption of red grapes also helps save you from ending up dehydrated while basking in the sun.


We all know that lycopene in tomatoes helps prevent skin cancer. How? Being a powerful antioxidant, lycopene helps considerably reduce free radical damage associated with skin cancer and aging. By the way, cooked or processed tomatoes (catsup, tomato paste, tomato juice) are the best sources of lycopene.


No summer getaway is complete without slices of watermelons in sight! There’s a perfectly good reason why watermelons are staples during hot months of the year — they’re rich in skin cancer-fighting lycopene. Also, watermelons are packed with water, thus snacking on them can keep you hydrated.

Leafy Greens

Spinach, lettuce, Swiss chards, kale and many other leafy greens are sources of a couple of antioxidants known to help protect your skin from the sun: zeaxanthin and lutein. Animal studies have shown that the said antioxidants are capable of arresting the abnormal growth of cells brought about by the sun’s UV radiation.

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