Ginger for Gorgeous Skin and Hair

Everyone is well-aware that ginger is a phenomenal home remedy for the likes of nausea, upset stomach and sore throat. Did you know that this very cheap and readily available herb can also make your skin and hair look their best? If you are on the hunt for some pocket-friendly and effective solutions for various beauty issues, read on!

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It Slows Down the Aging of Skin

Sipping several cups of ginger tea daily or consuming dishes with generous amounts of the popular herb is good for fighting off skin aging signs. That’s because ginger has the ability to control inflammation, a problem that can cause an assortment of problems including accelerated aging of the skin. By consuming ginger on a regular basis, you will find it easier to hamper the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

Ginger Helps Treat Pimples and Acne

A lot of pimple and acne preparations on the market contain harsh chemicals that irritate and dry up the skin. Applying ginger on skin is a good idea because it is capable of killing off pimple- and acne-causing bacteria as well as soothing those red and painful skin issues. Cool ginger tea applied with a cotton ball on problem areas is perfect even for someone with sensitive skin because ginger is actually mild and evidently all-natural.

The Herb Makes Your Complexion Glow

Are you not happy with your dull-looking skin? Liven it up with the help of ginger. Cheap and easy to obtain, the herb can make your complexion look radiantly healthy in no time. Simple grab a small slice of fresh ginger and gently massage on your skin using small circular motions. This will promote blood circulation, thus giving your skin a lovelier color. Within, your skin cells are also actually being supplied with more oxygen and nutrients by your blood.

It Helps Soothe Minor Burns

When a minor burn strikes, wash off the area with lukewarm ginger tea to help kill off bacteria, thus preventing the injured part of your skin from getting infected. Ginger is also an amazing remedy for sunburn. Allow a cup of ginger tea to chill in the fridge for several minutes, and then gently apply on sunburned areas with a cotton pad. Some people also crush fresh ginger root and place it over really painful sunburn.

Ginger Helps Improve Light-Colored Scars

There are numerous home remedies for dark-colored scars such as lemon juice, ripe papaya and milk. However, there seems to be no natural solution for light-colored imperfections on the skin. If you have scars that are considerably lighter than your natural skin tone, you can count on ginger. For best results, cut really thin pieces of ginger root and secure in place with a tape. Let it stay there for about 40 minutes. Do this daily for a week.

It’s Known to Reduce Cellulite Very Well

Earlier, it was mentioned that ginger helps promote blood circulation. This is exactly the reason why the well-known herb may be employed to improve the appearance of cellulites. Make a homemade cellulite remedy by combining 1/4 cup of olive oil, 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 tablespoons of grated ginger and lemon zest. Gently massage on problem areas for several minutes while in the shower. Perform regularly.

This Kitchen Staple Helps Stimulate Hair Growth

Are you losing more than a hundred strands of hair a day or do you want to be spotted with thicker mane? Let ginger give a very budget-friendly solution! All you have to do is massage a warm cup of ginger juice on your scalp. Do this before shampooing your hair to have those hair follicles stimulated. By the way, this solution is also an effective all-natural treatment for dandruff as ginger has superb antimicrobial properties.

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