Swamp Cabbage Health Benefits and Sample Recipe

Swamp cabbage, also called water spinach, refers to the leaves of Ipomoea aquatica. It comes from the dicot Convolvulaceae family andits congeners are from the monocot Arecaceae family. It is usually added in various dishes in both East and West, since it is a vegetable and vegetables are nutritious. The following are the health benefits of swamp cabbage, along with a sample recipe.

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Health Benefits

Immunity Booster

One health benefit of swamp cabbage is its ability to raise the body’s immune system function. According to Health Benefits Times, the vegetable contains 30.8 mg or 34.22 percent vitamin C. the vitamin is well-known in raising the body’s resistance against microorganisms that cause infection and illness. Also, vitamin C promotes the function of collagen, a substance that acts as cement and helps bind loosely connected cells and tissues. Thus, eating swamp cabbage helps prevent ailments like cough and colds and signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.

Energy and Growth

Two other health benefits of swamp cabbage include macronutrients carbohydrates and protein. According to Free Food Facts, the vegetable contains 3.14 grams of carbohydrates and 2.6 grams of protein. Carbohydrates are the body’s fuel source to carry out its functions and activities of daily living. Then, protein is a macronutrient responsible for the growth and repair of cells and tissues.  As per the publication, an average adult needs 300 grams of carbohydrates per day and the 3.14 grams is equal to one percent of the body’s total daily needs. For protein, an average adult needs 50 grams per day; the 2.6 grams is equivalent to five percent of man’s total daily needs. Thus, adding swamp cabbage to meal menus helps people gain energy throughout the day and grow. Even those who want to gain muscle may add the vegetable to their diet.

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Swamp cabbage also helps prevent or manage diabetes mellitus, an endocrine disorder marked by prolonged increase in blood sugar. According to Medical Health Guide, a trial conducted in the department of Biochemistry and Nutrition in India revealed that giving powdered swamp cabbage supplements to pregnant rats led to increased diabetes induced oxidative stress resistance, as opposed to those that were not given the powdered supplement. As per the publication, the findings imply that swamp cabbage supplementation in pregnancy may have positive impact against diabetes induced oxidative stress for the mother and the fetus; however, more efforts have yet to be done regarding the effects of such supplementation to human mothers and fetuses. Nonetheless, people with diabetes may consider eating swamp cabbage for this health benefit.

Sample Recipe

One recipe that uses swamp cabbage as ingredient is Swamp Cabbage (the name of the recipe is the same with the name of the vegetable). according to Food Network, the ingredients include two heads of freshly cut swamp cabbage (hearts of palm, chopped), three slices bacon, half cup of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, and half tablespoon of freshly ground black pepper.

To prepare, as per the publication, the bacon is fried over medium heat in a medium saucepan. Then, the fried bacon is set aside and the drippings are reserved. Then, the swamp cabbage and the remaining ingredients, including the fried bacon and the drippings are put in a pot; the pot is filled half full with water, which is brought to a boil for ten to fifteen minutes until the swamp cabbage becomes tender. Salt and pepper are added to taste. The dish is served as a side dish.

Swamp cabbage is considered nutritious because it has various health benefits to people. Thus, it can be added to various meal plans for friends and families.

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