Fat Burning Drinks You Have to Try

We all have the desire to have a lean physique but with the kinds of food that we eat, as well as our current sedentary lifestyle, it is almost next to impossible to get those extra layers of fat to disappear. Or is it? We’ve all tried various diets to get our body to burn fats fast but sometimes they don’t really work very well or we just can’t sustain them. Is there any way for you to get your metabolism up and running?

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If you need help with losing weight, you might want to try making some fat burning drinks. Yes, these drinks can help boost your metabolism so that you will be able to see some fats disappear from your body easily. You can try these recipes out if you want to jump start your weight loss program.

Cinnamon and Honey Drink

One of the best recipes to try when it comes to burning fats is cinnamon and honey. Get a glass of water and add a spoonful of honey and half a tablespoon of cinnamon. Make sure that you don’t add these ingredients in hot or warm water. You should let it cool first so the nutrients from these ingredients will remain intact. You can even add a dash of lime to get your fat burning abilities working properly.

Energy Booster

This recipe is perfect for those who need extra energy for their fat burning needs. You will need 1 cucumber, a dash of turmeric, half cup of water, a cup of green cabbage, ½ cup of pineapple slices, and a cup of spinach. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. You can add a squeeze of lemon to the drink to give your juice that extra fat burning kick.

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Lime and honey water

You don’t have to spend a lot just to get your fat burning abilities to work in overdrive. As a matter of fact, you just need to add a tablespoon of honey and the juice of one lime in water then mix. Lime and honey are two of the best ingredients that you can use if you want to give your metabolism a boost. You can have this drink as often as you want to help your body burn those excess fats.

Apple blaster

Apples are ideal for those who want to burn fats too so why not use them in a drink? In this recipe, you will need 2 apples, 1 grated ginger, half a cup of water, 3 carrots, and 2 stalks of celery. Start by juicing all ingredients first before mixing them in 1 cup. Add 2 cubes of ice on your glass to help give it a nice chill.

Black coffee

When it comes to speeding up your metabolism, switch to black coffee. As the name suggests, skip the milk and sugar and just drink it as is. The caffeine present in this coffee drink will make your metabolism running fast. A plus to drinking black coffee is that it is a good source of energy so you won’t feel any fatigue at all.

The All Rounder

Another recipe that will help you melt belly fat is the all-rounder. The main ingredient in this recipe is the vitamin C which can do more than just speed up your metabolism but also improve the quality of your hair and skin. In this recipe, you will need 1 lemon, a handful of spinach, a cup of water, and a small thumb of ginger, grated. Blend the ginger and spinach with water then pour into a glass. Squeeze the lemon into the mix, stir, and drink afterwards.

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