Recipe for Making Healthy Orange Marmalade Using Two Ingredients Only

Do you regularly buy a jar of orange marmalade because you like to use is as a jam or baking ingredient? Then this article is for you. Below you will come across a recipe for making orange marmalade.

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There are a couple of reasons why you should try the said recipe:

It’s so easy to make. You will only need two ingredients in order for you to whip up a jar of homemade orange marmalade. Also, you only need to use your microwave oven. 

This homemade orange marmalade is a lot healthier than a supermarket-bought counterpart. It contains no unnecessary ingredients like artificial preservatives, flavorings and colorings.

One of the nicest things about the orange marmalade that you will later on learn to make is one of its two ingredients can be replaced with a different one that many will agree as a healthier alternative. This ingredient is sugar, and the replacement for it is stevia, a sugar substitute that is deemed healthy by the experts.

Unlike most other artificial sweeteners out there, stevia comes straight from nature. Because of this, you know that it’s not made from chemicals that can potentially put your wellbeing at risk.

Stevia is several times sweeter than sugar, and that’s why you will only need a very little amount of it.

The recipe below calls for the use of one cup of sugar. If you want your homemade orange marmalade to be very low in calories, all you have to do is replace sugar with stevia. No, you will not need one cup of stevia, but only one teaspoon of it. Yes, that’s how sweet powdered stevia is — a teaspoon is as sweet as an entire cup of sugar!

So without any more ado, here’s the recipe for making healthy orange marmalade:


1 large-sized orange 

1 cup of sugar or 1 teaspoon of stevia


-Thoroughly wash the orange under running water. This is an important step because the orange will not be peeled — its peel should be intact as it’s the one that gives orange marmalade its unmistakable taste. 

-After washing the orange very well, grab a serrated knife. Carefully cut the orange into 8 pieces. 

-Remove all the seeds — you don’t want any seed to be included as it will make the resulting orange marmalade taste really bitter. 

-Place the orange slices in the blender and start blending. Don’t stop blending until most of the peel bits are fairly small. It’s perfectly fine if you still spot small pieces of the peel. 

-Add sugar or stevia and pulse for a few times to make sure that all of the ingredients are mixed very well. 

-Transfer the contents of the blender to a small glass or ceramic mixing bowl that is microwaveable — yes, this recipe only calls for the use of a microwave and not a stove. 

-Cook the mixture for about two minutes. Stir and cook for another minute. Repeat a few more times. Make sure that you quit microwaving the mixture as soon as you spot that it’s about to boil. 

-Carefully, take the mixing bowl out of the microwave and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Transfer to a container with a cover and stash in the refrigerator.

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