What Should I Do If I Broke My Pinky Toe?

Nothing can be more agonizing than stubbing your pinky toe. And if you bang it strong enough against something, it’s not unlikely for the tiniest of your toes to end up broken.

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This article will guide you through the steps you have to do if currently you feel that your pinky toe is broken.

However, it’s certainly a much better idea for you to immediately stop reading this article now and ask someone to drive you to the nearest emergency room if you notice one or more of the following:

Your pinky toe is distorted or pointing in the wrong direction 

An open wound is present and it appears as though there is a piece of bone sticking out of it 

There’s numbness, tingling or any other weird sensation that refuses to go away on its own 

Skin in or around the injured area appears gray or bluish

Most broken pinky toes are capable of healing on their own, which can usually take up to 6 weeks. However, a seriously fractured pinky toe needs to be seen by a doctor.

Depending on the type of fracture, it’s possible for your pinky toe to be put back into place manually, a process referred to as reduction. If there’s a compound fracture, surgery may be warranted.

Infection can strike if there is an open wound, so make sure that you get medical attention ASAP.

If none of the things mentioned earlier is around, do not panic because usually your broken pinky toe can be managed at home, although there is nothing wrong with getting it checked by a doctor, too.

Here are some of the steps that you may do if you broke your pinky toe:

Apply Ice

One of the quickest ways to reduce pain that accompanies a broken pinky toe is applying ice.

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As soon as you stubbed your pinky toe, place some ice cubes in a ziploc bag and apply on your pinky toe. For the first 1 to 2 days, you may do this every hour for 15 to 20 minutes in order to reduce not only pain, but also inflammation.

Do take note that you should not put ice cubes directly on your skin.


While applying ice, have the foot with the broken pinky toe elevated. The goal is to take it higher than heart level to prevent blood from pooling in it.

At bedtime, prop the foot with the injured pinky toe on a couple of pillows.

Give It Rest

Make sure that you also allow the broken pinky toe to get much-needed rest for faster healing.

While nursing your injured pinky toe, it’s a good idea for you to momentarily steer clear of engaging in strenuous physical activities, such as jogging or playing basketball.

You should also exempt your broken toe from supporting your body weight by using a crutch or cane.

Tape It

As soon as you notice a reduction in inflammation, you may tape the broken pinky toe to the one right next to it. It’s called buddy taping or buddy wrapping, and it can help speed up the healing process.

What you need to do is place a cotton ball in between your last two toes. Afterwards, tape them together.

Make sure that the tape is not too tight as to cut off blood circulation to your toes. Daily, carefully replace the tape as well as the cotton ball in order to keep the area clean.

Avoid Shoes

It’s also a good idea for you to avoid wearing shoes, including most especially ill-fitting ones, while you are waiting for much of the pain and inflammation to subside.

Opt for slippers or open-toed shoes to save the injured pinky toe from unnecessary stress or pressure.

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