Toddler Speech Delay Activities to Try

Not all toddlers develop the same way. Some can start speaking by 14 months while others may take a few years to do so. This delay in speech development affects a lot of children around the world but this doesn’t mean that they won’t be able to talk at all unless there is an underlying condition that is impeding them. Well, the good news is that there are plenty of activities that you can do with your toddler to help them with their speech delay. Here are a few examples that you can use.

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Speak slowly

Make it a point to speak to your baby using simple words delivered in a friendly tone. Keep it mind that your toddler will be able to understand you better if you talk to them face to face. Always keep eye contact and slow down when talking to them. It’s okay if the words that they speak back to you are wrong because you can correct them in a gentle and patient manner.

Start singing

Did you know that singing to your toddler is also a great way to help them develop their speech? You’ve probably remembered that your parents sang nursery rhymes to you when you were a kid so why not do the same with yours? If your toddler’s speech development is slow, you can start with teaching them some songs as this works on a different part of your brain. You’ll be surprised to find how quickly your toddler communicates with a song.

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Turn off the TV

Some parents often leave the television on when they are at home to keep their toddler company. Unfortunately, this isn’t helping your child’s speech development. What your toddler needs is human contact and a guide to their speech development. The TV is not part of your child’s development so don’t turn your TV on.

Read books

Another activity that you can do with your toddler is to read books all the time. Look for books that are child friendly, have colorful pictures, and easy words that they can follow too. Make it a habit to read books whenever you can. You’ll find that most kids love reading time when they are curled next to you or are sitting on your lap as this fosters better behavior and development.

Play with them

Spend time playing with your toddler and even let them lead to create confidence in them. Let them talk and show you the game that they want to play. Another reason why play time is critical at this young age is that they are developing their imagination too.

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