Tips on How to Detox After the Holidays

Ah, the holidays. The endless partying, the mouth-watering foods, the lip-smacking beverages, they are sure to fill your belly up, don’t you think? Unfortunately, the post-holiday experience is something that you will most likely regret, especially when you feel a bit sluggish, your stomach happens to grumble from time to time, and your weighing scale is accusing you of letting go of yourself once more. You’ve probably sworn that next year, you will be more vigilant with your food intake. Well, why not start now by going on a detox?

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Detoxing your body is one way for you to cleanse it from all the oils, salt, and grease that you filled it up these past few weeks. That being said, here are a few tips on how to get this done.

Choose plant-based foods

The mere thought of eating something fried is sure to make your stomach feel queasy, so why not go the healthier route instead? Prepare some salads and healthy soups to ease the burden in your digestive system while helping your body absorb important nutrients for detoxification.

Consider intermittent fasting

If you feel that your metabolism is a bit sluggish after the holidays, you can jump start it with intermittent fasting. The principal of this diet is fairly simple, you can eat whatever it is that you want within a set period of time, then fast afterwards. For example, you can eat 8 in the morning, then stop eating by 8 in the evening. The remaining hours will be when there are no food passing through you.


Another way to help you detox your body is by doing yoga. Yoga is a mind and body type of exercise, that will not only help flush the toxins from your body, but it also helps keep it supple and strong too. The best part? You are freeing your mind of stress as well, which is always a good thing.

Be mindful

Practicing mindfulness is also one way to start your road to detoxification, because you are able to choose your food intake wisely. Being aware of the amount of food that you have eaten and having the power to choose the type of food that you are eating all begins with paying attention to your health above all. This way, you will be in perfect control on what you eat during the holidays.

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