Got Sharp Abdominal Pain? Here are the Usual Causes

Experiencing sharp abdominal pain can be alarming. Nothing can be more unnerving than feeling a stabbing sensation in your belly area. Sometimes it can be due to an everyday issue such as indigestion, while other times it can be stemming from a serious medical condition that requires immediate medical attention.

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This article will get you introduced to some of the most usual causes of sharp abdominal pain. Do take note that nothing below should be mistaken for professional medical advice that only a physician can provide.

Here are some of the things that can be blamed for the sharp pain they are experiencing in their abdomen: 


Do you encounter sharp pain in your stomach after finishing a meal too quickly, eating a lot or consuming something spicy, greasy or fatty? Then it’s very much likely that you are simply suffering from a bad case of indigestion. This is especially true if you also have nausea and bloating.

Acid Reflux

Sometimes you can put the blame on acid reflux, a condition in which stomach acid or stomach content mixed with stomach acid flows backward into your esophagus. This can leave your chest feeling like it is on fire (heartburn) and at times your stomach may also feel like it’s being stabbed. Common causes of acid reflux include eating spicy, acidic and fatty foods, lying in bed right after a meal, drinking coffee and alcohol, and also being stressed or anxious.

Food Intolerances

If it seems like sharp abdominal pain comes into being immediately or a few minutes after consuming certain types of foods, then it’s possible that the culprit is a food intolerance or sensitivity. It’s not always that easy to identify the suspect, and that’s why the experts highly recommend keeping a food journal.


Short for irritable bowel syndrome, IBS is a very common digestive disorder that affects the large intestine or colon. Aside from abdominal pain that can range anywhere from sharp to dull, other symptoms associated with IBS are nausea, excess gas, bloating, and diarrhea and/or constipation. Doing some dietary and lifestyle changes as well as taking medications for dealing with various symptoms are some common IBS treatments.

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Doctors call it gastroenteritis, while most people refer to it as the stomach flu even though it’s not something that is caused by the flu virus. No matter how you wish to call it, the fact remains that it can leave you experiencing a bunch of really unfavorable symptoms. The good news is it tends to go away on its own, although you may need to go to the hospital if it causes severe dehydration or discomfort.


Put simply, an ulcer is a sore in the lining of your stomach and sometimes duodenum, which is the first part of the small intestine. One of the telltale signs of ulcer is pain that is often described as gnawing or sharp. Depending on the type of ulcer, pain associated with it may strike right after eating, in between meals or at night upon hopping into bed.


Just like what the name suggests, having gallstones is a condition in which there are stones present in the gallbladder or sometimes bile ducts. According to doctors, the symptoms of gallstones tend to resemble those of acid reflux, although at times it may cause fever and jaundice, the yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Gallstones can be treated with medications, but in some cases undergoing surgery is the only solution.


First things first: appendicitis is something that requires medical attention ASAP. The goal is to get to the operating room before the inflamed appendix ruptures. Appendicitis is characterized by sharp pain in the lower right part of your abdominal area, and often accompanied by bloating, nausea and vomiting.


Just because sharp pain is in the abdominal region doesn’t mean right away that the problem has something to do with the digestive tract. A urinary tract infection or UTI can in fact cause sharp pain in various parts of the belly area, depending on which part of the urinary tract is affected.

WARNING: Make sure that you immediately get medical care if it seems like what you are experiencing is appendicitis. You should also do the same if your sharp abdominal pain lasts for more than 6 hours and is accompanied by other unusual symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Pregnant women who experience sharp pain in their belly area should call 911 of get themselves taken to the ER without any delay.

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